June 16, 2007

Dudley George slaying . an overview of the issues

I encountered the George family only months after coming to Ontario.

I signed their petition calling for a public enquiry and suggested to them that it takes about a DECADE before any real enquiry could happen as FIREARMS were used. Sad to say, but I was correct.

The legacy of the Harris government lies like a cold hard sweat on the body of Ontario.  Welfare/disabilty rates lie still WELL below the poverty level and continue to SINK.  We had welfare/disability rates slashed by 20% and only seen a 3% rise in benefits.   It is ASSUMED that people recieving benefits won't have enough to eat, and that includes those disabled who cannot cook.  Another 3% increase is due in November, but the cost of food has skyrocketed in the meantime and more increases at the grocery store are expected. The food banks supply a person with about four days worth of food a month.

The Liberal Party appears to have learned NOTHING from Oka or from the Ipperwash killing.  Only following Mohawk Nation News will put a person in the loop of knowing what EXACTLY is going on.  Not one major news source lets you know the real news coming from Indian Country; it is a very one sided affair.

This article refers to the coming summer actions to be taken by First Nations peoples. This actions get kicked off next week end, when friends and neighbors come together for small local powwows. They are celebrating LIFE, their art and enjoyment of the summer (Strawberry moon).  There, they will discuss what is NEXT.  The George family will be at one, I am sure, and I hope this year things will not seem so bleak for them.  I am sorry that Dudley will not attending, and that is a feeling shared by many of us.

I have scattered comments below in red to clarify what I think needs to be extended and highlighted certain important statements in blue.


World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

Canada: Report on police killing at Ipperwash

masks state crimes

By Lee Parsons

16 June 2007
twelve years after a police sniper killed Dudley George—an unarmed
aboriginal protester who was part of a group peacefully occupying
Ipperwash Provincial Park—a public inquiry has issued a report that
makes some pointed criticisms of the federal and Ontario governments
and of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP).

in the final analysis, Justice Sidney Linden’s report and the entire
public inquiry exercise constitute a whitewash of Canadian capitalism’s
brutal treatment of the native peoples and of the role that the Ontario
Conservative government played in George’s killing.

shooting at Ipperwash, which lies on the shores of Lake Huron, took
place in September 1995. Just weeks before, the now reviled Tory
government of Mike Harris had come to power in Ontario, with the
backing of Bay Street and other powerful sections of the ruling class,
pledged to implement a program of tax and public spending cuts, changes
to welfare, and anti-union measures modeled after the US Republicans’
“Contract with America.” (I've already mentioned the "welfare"/ disabilities malignant cutbacks above.  Whatever they have "saved" in money terms has more than been eaten up in rising healthcare costs.  As far as getting people off benefit, that's ridiculous.  It didn't work.  V)

The police assault on a small band
of unarmed natives in a deserted park (see below) following the Labor Day weekend
came to symbolize the Harris government’s brutal methods.

presented to the inquiry demonstrated that Harris, his aides, and other
Tory ministers pressed for the OPP to put a quick end to the occupation
at Ipperwash, no doubt with the intention of demonstrating that the new
government would take a hard line against the mass opposition its
right-wing program would inevitably provoke.  (This partially explains why the Harris government had so little problem with the 1/4 million people who came out against his regime during the Days of Rage. The other explanation is that NO reliable mass paper to get news was ever put together. The labor unions (Buzz Hargrove and others) who could have easily started a paper in opposition to the  mainstream press, did not do so.  Ghandi always said - the first thing you do is start a paper .. V.)

In his
four-volume report,
Justice Linden was compelled to accept much of this
evidence and, in so doing, he implicitly charges Harris with having
lied under oath
before the inquiry so as to downplay his role in
precipitating the unprovoked violent police action at Ipperwash. Yet
Linden explicitly exonerates Harris and other top officials of his
government on the key charge that they improperly influenced or
directed the police to carry out the fatal assault at Ipperwash.
central fact accepted by the commission, and about which Harris was
found to be lying, was that as the premier of Ontario he shouted at a
meeting that included OPP officials, “I want the fucking Indians out of
the park!” In other meetings and encounters with top police
officials—as the report details—the government gave emphatic
instructions to the police to deal with the occupation decisively,
precipitously, and without regard to the legitimacy of aboriginal
(It isn't just a matter of rights.  It is a matter of sovereignty, as recent events are revealing more and more to the general public.)
Linden further found that Harris and others in his
administration demonstrated bigoted and openly racist views and that
such attitudes werealso common among the police who dealt with the occupation.  (This park, in fact, was usurped by the government from the indigenous peoples during WWII and never given back!)

the report states baldly, “The evidence does not support the claim that
he (Harris) interfered with the OPP’s operation.”

who stepped down as premier in 2001 in the wake of the public health
disaster his budget cuts produced in the town of Walkerton, replied
cynically and with venom to the release of the report. “I hope,”
declared Harris, “that Justice Linden’s findings completely absolving
me and my government of these malicious and petty political allegations
will allow the George family to move on.” His lawyer has made it known
that Harris has no intention of apologizing to the Georges or anyone
else.  (Walkerton.  This town got an e coli outbreak due to no real oversight.  The water simply was not being monitored at all. People died, officials took no responsibility AND other towns were found to have e coli as well. Since then we have had whole communities evacuted due to dirty water, as in James Bay. There is nowhere to house victims of tained water in Ontario ..)

George family was more conciliatory in its response. Dudley’s brother,
Sam, called the report a “big step forward.... It is very clear from
the report that the police made many mistakes and it’s also clear
they’re working to go correct them. We hope that continues.”

Nations Chief David General was more cautious, saying, “We’ve got to
put action to the words.”

Official obfuscation

its terms of reference, one of the inquiry’s principal aims was to
determine what, if any, direct influence the government of the day had
on police management of the Ipperwash occupation. The inquiry report
acknowledges repeatedly that the actions of the government over several
days sent the wrong message and that they “created the risk of placing
political pressure on the police.” A litany of other criticisms of the
behavior of top officials consumes dozens of pages of the report.

its totality the report conveys a picture of government incompetence,
indifference and disdain towards Canada’s aboriginal peoples compounded
by a culture of political thuggery within the Ontario Conservative
government itself.

And yet the conclusions and recommendations of the commission amount to a convoluted cover-up.

for the situation that led to the killing of Dudley George is dispersed
widely, liberally and over a long period of time in a way that absolves
any single individual or institution of major fault. Miscommunication,
lack of proper training, insufficient coordination of policy, cultural
misunderstanding, poor intelligence— among others—are named as factors
that contributed to George’s death.

report does point to decades of stalling by the federal government over
what is now generally acknowledged to be the legitimate claims of the
of Ipperwash to lands that were expropriated from them for
military purposes during World War Two.

Acting OPP Sergeant
Kenneth Deane was found guilty of criminal negligence causing death,
but the report states that Deane should never have been put in the
position where he could have shot Dudley George and the responsibility
for that circumstance rests with federal government stalling and

Painting victims as villains

the decidedly delicate handling of Harris and his government by Justice
Linden, the right-wing press unleashed a torrent of indignation upon
the release of his report.

Leading the way was a comment by Andrew Coyne in the National Post
in which he attacks the report because it “effectively legitimizes
illegal protests.” Coyne was incensed that the inquiry did not hold the
native protesters to blame for the police killing of George: “What we
have here is nothing less than the normalization of lawlessness, the
legitimization of violence as a means of political protest.”

charge of native “violence” is an authoritarian slur. At Ipperwash a
handful of unarmed Indians “occupied” a vacant provincial park that is
situated on traditional native land. Even if one accepts the most
restrictive legal definitions, a compelling case can be made that the
protesters were acting lawfully.
Moreover, quite aside from the assault
that resulted in the death of Dudley George, virtually all threats and
acts of violence during the Ipperwash occupation were in fact
perpetrated by the police.

The Globe and Mail
Linden’s finding that Harris did not unduly interfere with the police
operation at Ipperwash. It declared somewhat defensively that,
“Ipperwash is not about one redneck premier,” as an OPP office had
characterized Harris during the occupation, and took great satisfaction
in stressing, as Linden had, the tragedy’s reputed myriad causes.

But the Globe clearly
was troubled that the report could cause state authorities to temporize
with future protests. The chief aim of its editorial was to strengthen
the resolve of governments and the police to stand firm in the face of,
and be ready to repress, opposition from below. “Ipperwash,” said the Globe,
“does not mean that all expressions of grievance are justified, or that
police and government should look the other way during illegal
occupations by aboriginal people.”

It is far from
surprising that much of the corporate media remain stalwart defenders
of Harris. His “Common Sense Revolution” resulted in a massive transfer
of wealth from the working class and poor to big business and the
wealthiest section of society.
While the Ontario Tories went down to
ignominious electoral defeat four years ago, several of the leading
figures in the Harris government are now key figures in the federal
Conservative government
of Stephen Harper.

But the Post’s and Globe’s
rantings, 12 years after the event, about the violence and illegality
of the Ipperwash occupation reveal a growing nervousness in the elite
over any opposition to the agenda of big business.  (The burning of cars on RR beds has cost Big Business in Canada a huge sum of money.   These RRs cross indigenous lands and they are NERVOUS ..)

growing hostility to government policies on critical issues such as its
military buildup and the war in Afghanistan and with indications that
native protests will escalate in the coming weeks
(these start on 29 June), figures such as
Coyne speak for a ruling elite that is moving toward criminalizing all
forms of political dissent

Then and now

a mere 10 weeks after the Harris Tories came to power, the police
action at Ipperwash and the resulting death of Dudley George was used
by the new government to send a signal that it meant business and would
deal harshly with popular opposition.

Despite the
conviction of a police officer in George’s death, the clear evidence
government officials had pressured the police to quickly end the
protest, and mounting public pressure, Harris consistently opposed a
public inquiry into the police action at Ipperwash.

It was
not until the Liberals came to power in 2003 that a public inquiry was
finally called, and even then its purpose was more to advance the
political fortunes of the Ontario Liberal Party than out of any genuine
concern for the public good, let alone for the benefit of native
peoples. By fulfilling a campaign pledge to hold an inquiry, the
Liberals sought to capitalize on widespread hatred of the outgoing
Conservative government and to contrast themselves as a more caring and
sensitive administration.

Liberals continue to cynically use this issue for political advantage.
Ontario Liberal Premier Donald McGuinty lost no time following the
report’s release to denounce the Harris government and offer his
personal apology to the family of the slain man. He later mused that it
may even be time for the government to actually do something about the
decades-old claims of the natives at Ipperwash.
The fact
that this inquiry has taken 12 years to reach its conclusion is itself
an appalling injustice which must be added to the decades of
indifference and contempt that the natives of Ipperwash, like Canada’s
aboriginal peoples in general, have suffered from generations of
federal and provincial governments—Liberal, Conservative and NDP.

cancellation of $5 billion earmarked for native and Inuit communities
in the Kelowna Accord by the federal Tories last year has meant
deepening conditions of poverty and squalor for the majority of the
aboriginal population. And while the Harper government recently
promised to introduce a new procedure for dealing with native land
claims, that maneuver is clearly aimed at forestalling the national day
of aboriginal protest planned for June 29.  (There was an $8 billion dollar federal budget SURPLUS!!  The costs, long term, in not addressing health and economic concerns of the poor and working poor will end up costing FAR more.  The new "task" force - read paper pushing - was given $250 Million.  The Siux nations community was offered $125 to settle outstanding land claims, abouat $34 an acre. The white developers, I think, got $165 an acre!!  It is to laugh.  Nothing is going to forestall June 29th - they are thinking generations ahead.)

suggestion that the tragedy at Ipperwash resulted from the
peculiarities of Harris and his cohorts along with a few bad apples in
the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) must be flatly rejected. Widespread
racism and bigotry, which the Ipperwash inquiry has shown to be widely
accepted if not cultivated in official circles, is consistent with the
long history of the oppression of Canada’s aboriginal peoples.

Moreover, as the ruling class reaction to the inquiry
into George’s murder has underlined, there is a growing incompatibility
between the maintenance of basic democratic rights, including the
rights of Canada’s indigenous peoples, and the needs of an increasingly
brutal social order.

To continue to set up divide and conquer tactics against all of Canada's people is not a good omen for the future.   There can be from for no racism, sexism, greedism or any other thing that lacks vision.

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