February 03, 2009

- This blog will now have a MAJOR change in focus -

There are several points that need to be made.

(1) Those who induced me to attend the war crimes conference in Andover and helped me put this blog together have not been very supportive of me financially nor emotionally. This has been very disappointing to me. So has some of the underhanded behaviour that some people here in Toronto who disrupted my efforts for social change. I sold thousands of copies of Vincent Bugliosi's book and never even received a single dime or a copy of the book! I had wished to bring some of the people who are concerned about war crimes to Toronto to offset the financial losses my son and I incurred in the course of our blogging in the past two years. I would certainly appreciate any financial support any of those who are still dropping by to check out this blog would provide!, as noted below! I truly believe we deserved better treatment than this as I have no family to depend on at all. I have made effort to contact them over the past months and expected to meet them in Andover. Because of my chronically financial depression I have no hearing aids, bad eyewear, and must watch every penny I spend !! I overspent promoting the Town Hall that NEVER happened, thanx to the head of the Native American Centre here in Toronto. I did not get a job as I thought, really and truly, that I just might be actually on the International Criminal Court as alleged to me in private comments. But there is no evidence to support this notion at all.

(2) It is imperative that HONEST politicians get elected now at the local level as the Second Great Depression sets in - due to military keynesianISM - which means that we look at how real solutions for people have been ignored in favour of having a SECURITY (hahahhaha - Read: fascistic) society set in. Have you noticed it yourself?

(3) I have been the victim of a crack addict for 23 months because I am deaf and could not hear her enter my apartment repeatedly. She actually assaulted me December 1st. The cops came in and threatened me with violence if I did not quit calling the police department !! My son is repeatedly being arrested, but the dealer, the fence for stolen goods and the crack addict and her illegally occupying roommate NEVER get arrested !! What is the motive of the police department in all this ? Who knows? It is now February 3rd and she is STILL not arrested. This loss of property has turned my apartment into a real dump and is a horrible place to live. I had a housing tribunal on January 6th that refused to compensate me for my misery that was adjourned after they tried to arrest ME.

(4) My son was illegally incarcerated on a Form 30 (involuntary commission) and is even now being held in a mental asylum (5 months later !!) Meanwhile, the mental health establishment continues to harass me.

(5) I have applied to be a recipient of an award to be in something in Toronto called the Dream Team or Voices in the Street, and I have high hopes I will be selected for this incredible project.

and HENCE:

I will then run for Toronto City Council since the City Councillor should make certain that the police and the city public housing authority provides safe spaces for disabled seniors to live in !!

To effect this election, I have been melodramatic.

I read people's palms and tell people to remember my name


I was given the gift of palm reading by a Yogananda disciple in London, UK many, many years ago and am polishing that gift.

I give away angel cards, dog biscuits and chocolates to those I hope will remember my name.

My platform will consist of several points:

1. The need to rebuild all city housing with appropriate building materials - the idea I have been trying to sell for over a year using the Web Urbanist idea of using shipping crate containers and solar heating. I will also push the idea of gardens on roof tops of these buildings.

2. An overhaul of social service agencies so that the real needs of the unemployed get addressed. This includes new soup kitchens, more services for women and children, the disabled, the lonely.

3. A redress of the wrongs done those who suffer from a new Mental Health Act that puts more distress on families. Also, more focus on nutrition and orthomolecular therapies.

4. More education in schools about the need for Democracy in Action so that students learn/have access on DVD to the Canadian Charter, the US Constitution, tbe Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other important documents that are often overlooked.

And of course, putting focus on the need for people to take part in ensuring that NO MORE WAR CRIMES are committed.

Right now I have a need to write a book about all my experiences, which I intend to publish on this blog, using money I got by taking taxi cabs while my electricity was illegally shut off.
I had earlier written a book called Earthlings Anonymous which was thrown away. I had hoped that my anonymous war crimes commentator would either help me assemble a new edition of this book with experts on depleted uranium, ecological architure, indigenous rights, and many other issues, but support was not forthcoming. Neither was further information on Infragard. I wish to high heaven I had a writer's grant, but I don't.

The EVIL toastmaster person, Reginald Cottle, made sure I have no computer, so I must use computer spaces elsewhere than my home.

Trust that I shall endeavor to do the best that I can. I did not have enough money to enrol in an educational program and get a student grant to cover my expenses better !! And although I have several years of back US taxes owing me, I have yet to find someone who will help me collect them.

This is 2009; this is supposed to be my year !! I sincerely hope so.

But right now I am suffering extreme exhaustion and panic attacks;
I am so post-traumatically stressed out I have real burn out.


If you are reading this; you can contact me by email to help me out financially and emotionally. If you know of someone who is a good speaker on any of the above platform items who I could publicize and get to speak publically for a fee, please let me know. I can arrange good venues for appearances !!


If you leave a number or an email address I will respond as promptly as I am able.

I need funding as my appeal to have my ex-husband censored by the bar in Minnesota of his unethical behaviour towards me in my refugee case was REFUSED !! Unfortunately, there goes $177,000 !! My exhusband and Senator Paul Wellstone colluded to get me thrown out back in 1994 in the State of Minnesota. (sigh) and I stood up for Leonard Pelletier to my demise.

Also, please PRAY that I get out of that horrid apartment as quickly as possible. It REALLY, REALLY sucks and I need companionship which is sorely lacking in the present circumstance and has been all along. I am a disabled, empty nester who needs daily contact with other other people !!

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