July 08, 2006

Perhaps being in Canada, they will be slow to take this off my log.

Document 1 - FCO CommentDocument 2 - IMF TelegramDocument 3 - DeclarationDocument 4 - SpeechDocument 5 - Hill NegotiationDocument 6 - Michael Wood memo of 13 MarchDocument 7 - Telegram of 18 March 2003 headed US Foreign PolicyDocument 8 - Letter from Simon Butt dated 16 April 2003Document 9 - Exchange of emails with Linda DuffieldDocument 10 - Colin Reynolds' report of 26 June 2003Document 11 - Minute of my meeting with Howard DrakeDocument 12 - Letter from British Businessmen in TashkentDocument 13 - Email to Kate SmithDocument 14 - Minute of 26 September 2003Document 15 - Telegram
All of the documents in a .zip file
.torrent file of all of the Craig Murray Documents
Document 1 - FCO CommentDocument 2 - IMF TelegramDocument 3 - DeclarationDocument 4 - SpeechDocument 5 - Hill NegotiationDocument 6 - Michael Wood memo of 13 MarchDocument 7 - Telegram of 18 March 2003 headed US Foreign PolicyDocument 8 - Letter from Simon Butt dated 16 April 2003Document 9 - Exchange of emails with Linda DuffieldDocument 10 - Colin Reynolds' report of 26 June 2003Document 11 - Minute of my meeting with Howard DrakeDocument 12 - Letter from British Businessmen in TashkentDocument 13 - Email to Kate SmithDocument 14 - Minute of 26 September 2003Document 15 - Telegram
All of the documents in a .zip file
.torrent file of all of the Craig Murray Documents
