July 05, 2006

Another day of frustrating formatting problems, but here goes anyway!!

Raping GAZA

Editorial: Destroying the Gaza Strip - The Score: 9,000 Prisoners to 1?

July 4, 2006

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert lost no time in exploiting Hamas' capture of an Israeli soldier to justify Israel's long-planned re-occupation of the Gaza Strip and mass arrest of the Hamas leadership. In his haste, he has inadvertently achieved a rare thing. He has managed to reduce the absurdity of Israel's position to a known ratio: 9000 to 1.

Nine thousand captured Palestinians languish in Israel's notorious "security prisons", including 380 children and 115 women. Every day Israeli troops and Border Police kidnap, interrogate, torture and imprison Palestinians, often by the dozen. The arrest raids never stop, regardless of summits, truces, or cease-fires. It is estimated that 650,000 Palestinians have been imprisoned by Israel since the current occupation began in 1967.

UN envoy warns of Gaza conditions

Tuesday 04 July 2006, 18:41 Makka Time, 15:41 GMT

The UN Middle East envoy says the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip has become "dangerous" since Israel launched an operation to win the release of an abducted soldier.

"Until just before the capture of Corporal (Gilad) Shalit, it was a dangerous humanitarian situation and there was a significant deterioration across the board," Alvaro de Soto said in an interview with AFP on Tuesday.
