July 21, 2006

FDA- ANTIDEPRESSANTS SHOULD HAVE RISK INFO -- The manufacturers of Prozac and other antidepressants should include prescribing information about an uncommon but life-threatening lung problem that affects babies born to mothers who take the drugs during pregnancy, health officials said.
Also, see www.brojon.com for the three part series that concludes with this in Part III.
Tryptophan, Thyroid Gland, Circadian Rhythms and Murder
~~~What the Drug Makers Didn't Want You to Know~~~
NOTICE: All three parts of this series are now posted to the Internet and can be accessed from the BroJon Front Page.
This important case, The Andrea Yates case, is a devastating indictment of modern society, the medical profession, the legal profession, and the drugs makers who hide the facts about the drugs they make. Can drugs make you murder....?
What this series of articles shows is that some modern drugs, even though they are classed as mood elevators or antidepressants, they also can change the “perceptions” in a certain class of people. Many of these people are forced by their “changed perceptions” to act out suicides or murder. There is big difference between moods and perceptions. The drug makers and your doctor didn't tell you. It is your responsibility to find out the difference between your moods and perceptions.The legal profession is treating the Andrea Yates case similarly to a drunken driving case. If you drink and drive while impaired, the law still holds you responsible for anybody killed while driving drunk. You may claim you are not responsible for the deaths because you were “impaired.” But the law says you are still responsible since you CHOSE to become impaired by drinking and then driving.
What if your doctor prescribes for you a drug which causes your perceptions to become impaired. Your doctor does not warn you about any impairment. If you kill someone while using the drug, is the responsibility for the deaths, on the doctor who prescribed the drug? The doctor didn't warn you about any impairment, and you did not CHOOSE to take the drug – you were simply following doctor's orders. Can the law still find you guilty when you did not choose to take the drug and you were not informed about any impairment of your perceptions?
The doctor may claim that he is not responsible for the deaths, since he was not informed about any possible “impairment” in his patients by the drug makers. Should the drug maker be found guilty of the deaths, since they caused the impairment as a side-effect of taking the mood altering drugs? If so, then the drug makers would also be found guilty of killing many hundreds of thousands of people who carried out suicides and murders while using the drugs. The drug makers may claim that the effect of their drugs is to alter moods, and does not “force” people to take actions such as murder or suicide. After you read this series of articles, you may change your mind about who is responsible for killing Andrea Yates five children.
Many people believe that circadian rhythms are similar to biorhythms. WRONG. Biorhythms are a hoax and have no physical basis in fact. They are something like a modern day astrology, which was “invented” in the 1960's along with gadgets such as Mood Rings. In contrast, circadian rhythms are physically real. They can be measured by instruments in both your brain and your body.Your circadian rhythms not only control all the physical functions in your body, they also control your personality and behavior. They do this by controlling and modifying your perception of the reality around you. By modifying your perceptions of reality, you can change your personality and your behavior. That is a basic precept of modern psychiatry. That's why people go to a psychiatrist, to change their perception of reality and thus change their behavior and moods.
What if you take a drug which changes your circadian rhythms? The drug probably will also change your perceptions and then also your behavior. The effect of the new SSRI class of drugs, such as Prozac and Zoloft, by elevating the level of serotonin in the brain also directly modify your circadian rhythms. This series of articles clearly documents the research which shows how some drugs can and do modify behavior and can lead people to act out murder and suicide. In the Andrea Yates case, the defense attorneys have claimed that she should plead “not guilty because of insanity.” The jury will probably find her guilty since she did not show any signs of insanity, and that she “knew” the difference between right and wrong. But her proper defense, should be temporary insanity or temporary impairment because of the use of drugs. But she did not CHOSE to take the drugs.
The guilty party should be the doctor who prescribed the drugs and/or the drug company who made the drugs, but told no one about the side effects of their drugs. The sad case of Andrea Yates, points out the severe insufficiency of the modern legal system.
The case should be thrown out and retried with the proper responsible parties in the docket accepting responsibility for killing Andrea's five children. But unfortunately that won't happen. The drug companies have too much money at stake to let that happen.
Because of the greatly increasing use of the new SSRI antidepressants for both adults and even now young school children to treat ADHD in America, we have to ask, “Is modern American society simply going insane...?”

Marshall Smith Editor, Brother Jonathan Gazette newseditor@brojon.com
