November 27, 2005

Sign the petition!

That was a wonderful letter! Let's hope it's heard and Gov. Warner does the right thing. Oh, and I found your blog by doing a search - I love this site you can see what people are blogging on each topic.

All the best!

-----Original Message-----From: Virginia S.

I do not know how you found my blog, but I am glad you did. I abhor the death penalty. This was my addition to the petition. Keep on keeping it up!

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No one has the right to play God.

This inhumane medievel form of punishment should have been BANNED years ago.

The practice of capital punishment role models to the youth of every nation that violence solves problems. This is never the case.

I am an American forced by political circumstances to live in exile in Canada. I know what it is like to be "framed". Up here, so much more is done in defense of those unfairly punished and all that work is good. It is a triumph for humanity to see Guy Paul Moran and others walking free as they should be. What if someone had "pulled the plug" on him and David Milgaard? What needless heartache for all. [and I SHOULD have said I saw Guy Paul eating dinner with his family after his release. No, I didn't talk to him, I sent them good and loving vibes. I did not tell him I KNEW inside he was framed by a buncha whacky small town, small time idzitz, and a buncha lazy cops just because he played the clarinet! I had to go to the ladies' and have a good cry, though.]

Nothing has made me sicker in my lifetime than the media circus in America when there are media-televised executions. Nothing.

Scapegoating is a idea of the PAST. An idea well worth shedding from the human psyche. It so happens that my birthday, March 3 was the traditional day for such events in barbaric Olde England.

End this inhumane, foolish practice forever. Start showing love and forgiveness.

Please show compassion for the families of the wrongly or rightly convicted people.

For the sake of humanity, PLEASE do not, do not execute Robin Lovitt or anyone else. Do not give me another reason to cry and grieve the needless death of another human being. It really hurts my heart, the very best part of me.
Virgiinia Simson

I was so so shook up when I wrote that letter, I mispelt my name!

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