August 18, 2011

Obama Campaign Staffer Sends Out Email Bashing Paul Krugman And The 'Firebagger Lefty Blogosphere'

Jonathan Swift would be PROUD of Krugman.

Problem is that some lunatic rightists actually think this is TRUE - let's have a holographi­c Christ come down to save us - and get everyone Xianized !!

There is a good and MEANINGFUL reason us teabaggers booed the Obamabot @Netroots Nation - and he better expect MORE protest in the future, too. When they took my heat subsidy away in MN (!!) via fiat Obama, I was furious ! He's into the Chamber of Commerce's pocket(s) and the bank$ter$ for his $1.6 million a day he "needs" to run in 2012. He's no leader in any sense of the word. He just had the staffer floating his balloon for him ..
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
