October 29, 2006

Gasoline Price Manipulation Before the Elections

Is Goldman Sachs manipulating the gasoline futures market to push prices down before the November elections?
It sure looks that way.

- An article appeared this Saturday in the New York Times pointing to some unusual trading by Goldman Sachs in the gasoline futures market. As Raymond Keller, who spotted the article, points out http://www.kellerkomments.com/2006/10/gasoline-price-manipulation.html , "They always hide the good stuff in the low circulation Saturday edition." (...)

Unleaded gasoline made up 8.72 percent of Goldman's commodity index as of June 30, but it is just 2.3 percent now, representing a sell-off of more than $6 billion in futures contract weighting. A sell-off of more than $6 billion in gasoline futures contracts?

Let's put it this way, a $6 billion trade is not decided on at the lower levels of the firm. Keller provides some insight into the curious timing of this trade:

President George W. Bush nominated Henry M. Paulson, Jr. to be the 74th Secretary of the Treasury on June 19, 2006. The United States Senate unanimously confirmed Paulson to the position on June 28, 2006 and he was sworn into office on July 10, 2006. Before coming to Treasury, Paulson was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs. So what does Goldman do just weeks after Paulson is sworn in as Treasury Secretary? It announces a subtle move that drives down gasoline prices, short-term. Nice move, coming just months before the election. Now it may be hard to swallow for some that market manipulations go on, but they do at all levels.



Mind Control, Mind Freedom
http://jonrappoport store.com/ rappoport/ product.php? productid= 22&cat=1& page=1
Escaping the Matrix: How We the People Can Change the World
By Richard Moore
http://www.escaping thematrix. org
http://www.cyberpro ject.org
America: From Freedom to Fascism A documentary by Aaron Russo http://www.freedomt ofascism. com
Scholars for 9/11 Truth
http://www.scholars for911truth. org
What The Bleep Do We Know? A documentary by William Arntz, Betsy Chasse, Mark Vicente
http://www.whattheb leep.com
Messages from Water
http://www.hado. net
The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Bill Murphy, Chris Powell http://www.gata. org
Cynthia McKinney for Congress
http://www.cynthiaf orcongress. com
Ron Paul for Congress
http://www.ronpaulforcongress. com
Can you imagine what these folks could do and what could happen if we all invested 2 hours each and the price of a movie theatre ticket in their work? Can you imagine what would happen if all the money donated to Al Gore and candidates like him (who stray from the real truth) were invested in authentic leaders and our access to them? I can - and the truth and beauty of that future fills my life and work with hope.

Catherine Austin Fitts is President of Solari and may be contacted at http://www.solari. com/
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How the Bush Family Makes a Killing
from George's Presidency

By Heather Wokusch10/25/ 06
"Information Clearing House"
Halliburton scored almost $1.2 billion in revenue from contracts related to Iraq in the third quarter of 2006, leading one analyst to comment:
"Iraq was better than expected... Overall, there is nothing really to question or be skeptical about. I think the results are very good."

Very good indeed. An estimated 655,000 dead Iraqis, over 3,000 dead coalition troops, billions stolen from Iraq's coffers, a country battered by civil war - but Halliburton turned a profit, so the results are very good. Very good certainly for Vice President Dick Cheney, who resigned from Halliburton in 2000 with a $33.7 million retirement package (not bad for roughly four years of work). In a stunning conflict of interest, Cheney still holds more than 400,000 stock options in the company. Why pursue diplomacy when you can rake in a personal fortune from war?

Yet Cheney isn't the only one who has benefited from the Bush administration' s destructive policies. The Bush family has done quite nicely too. Just a few examples: Bush Sr. Bush's dad has strong connections to the Carlyle Group, a massive private equity investment firm whose Chairman Emeritus is Frank Carlucci, a former college roommate of Donald Rumsfeld's and former Defense Secretary under Ronald Reagan. Imagine the pull Carlucci has with today's White House...But Carlucci has another secret weapon - Bush Sr.

Amid conflict-of- interest allegations, the elder Bush resigned from the Carlyle Group in 2003, but reportedly remains on retainer, opening doors to lucrative profits in the Middle East and elsewhere. Bush Sr.'s specialty is Saudi Arabia; in fact, he was at a Carlyle investment conference with Osama bin Laden's estranged brother, Shafiq bin Laden, when the 9/11 attacks took place. Carlyle specializes in military and security investments, and with Bush Jr. in office, the company's profits have soared; it received $677 million in contracts in 2002, then a whopping $2.1 billion in 2003. Carlyle's investors currently enjoy an equity capital pool of over 44 billion dollars. In January 2006, Bush Sr. wrote China's Foreign Affairs Ministry that it would be "beneficial to the comprehensive development of Sino-US relations" if Beijing approved the sale of a Chinese bank to a consortium which included Carlyle.

Bluntly put, Bush Sr. asked China to grant Carlyle a lucrative business deal or risk his son's wrath. William H. T. "Bucky" Bush George's "Uncle Bucky" joined the board of military contractor Engineered Support Systems Inc. (ESSI) in 2000 and perhaps not surprisingly, the value of the company's governmental contracts has strongly increased with Bush Jr. in office. Uncle Bucky earns monthly consulting fees as well as options to buy stock at favorable prices, and considering that ESSI's stock tripled two weeks after 9/11 then settled into comfy territory, it's safe to say that George's uncle is doing quite well. In fact, Bucky cashed out on 8,438 stock options in January 2005, earning himself a cool $450,000 in the process. As of 2005, he still owned options on 45,000 more shares of the company's stock and accrues more each year. War is profitable for ESSI, or as an executive explained:

"The increasing likelihood for a prolonged military involvement in Southwest Asia by U.S. forces well into 2006 has created a fertile environment for the type of support ... products and services that we offer."

But lest anyone conclude that Bucky has opened doors for the company, ESSI's vice-president of investor relations explained in 2005,

"The fact his nephew is in the White House has absolutely nothing to do with Mr. Bush being on our board or with our stock having gone up 1000 per cent in the past five years."

Absolutely nothing at all.

Neil Mallon Bush Neil rose to infamy in the 1980s as director of the Colorado-based Silverado Savings and Loan; after Silverado collapsed due to mismanagement and corruption, US taxpayers were stuck with the billion-dollar bailout, yet Neil managed to escape the crisis with a small fine and no jail time. It helps to have a dad as Vice President. In 1993, Neil joined Bush Sr. in Kuwait to drum up business in the Middle East, and today, he makes a profit by helping companies cash in on the occupation of Iraq. For example, in late 2003, The Financial Times reported that Neil earned $60,000 per year through the Crest Investment Company, a private firm generating contracts in Iraq. Crest was headed by Jamal Daniel, a longtime Bush family contact, who was also on the advisory board of New Bridge Strategies, a company specifically set up "with the aim of assisting clients to evaluate and take advantage of business opportunities in the Middle East following the conclusion of the U.S.-led war in Iraq." In 2003, Neil's messy divorce proceedings revealed that he was to get $2 million in stock options from a Chinese semiconductor firm despite having limited education or business experience in that area; critics complained that the Chinese company was buying access to his brother, the president. Neil later testified that on repeated business trips to Asia, he'd had sex with women who showed up at his hotel rooms, presumably prostitutes hired by companies trying to curry favor with the White House. Neil has also profited from George's disastrous No Child Left Behind educational policy. His company, Ignite! (partially owned by Bush Sr. and funded by Crest Investment) has been awarded with lucrative federal contracts to place its educational products in school districts across the country. Marvin Pierce Bush Marvin joined Bush Sr. and Neil on their Middle Eastern sales trip in 1993 and then made a mint in the investment banking business. He is a co-founder of Winston Partners, a private investment firm whose investments in military and security firms profit from Bush's "war on terror."

Having a sibling as president has helped Marvin in other ways, too. He is on the board of HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc., which had insured parts of the World Trade Center; HCC benefited from the 9/11 insurance bailout legislation pushed through by brother George. Marvin was also on the board of Securacom, a company which provided electronic security for both Dulles International Airport and the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Marvin stepped down in 2000, but how intriguing that Bush's brother was so well connected to the security of two critical locations on that fateful day. In short, the "results are very good" for the Bush dynasty, perhaps even "better than expected," thanks to George's stint in the Oval Office. Dad's still setting up international deals. Uncle Bucky's cashing in his stock options. Brothers Neil and Marvin are laughing all the way to the bank. It's just the American people who have paid the ultimate price.

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I think I posted an article about how massive air strikes have been known to be stoopid since at last 1930, yet Rumsfield continues to use this deadly and useless "war tactic" over and over. Here is Howard Zenn on the topic of stoopid war tactics ....

Why War Fails By Howard Zinn

http://www.informat ionclearinghouse .info/article153 95.htm
10/23/06 " The Progressive"
-- - -
I suggest there is something important to be learned from the recent experience of the United States and Israel in the Middle East: that massive military attacks are not only morally reprehensible but useless in achieving the stated aims of those who carry them out.

In the three years of the Iraq War, which began with shock-and-awe bombardment and goes on with day-to-day violence and chaos, the United States has failed utterly in its claimed objective of bringing democracy and stability to Iraq. American soldiers and civilians, fearful of going into the neighborhoods of Baghdad, are huddled inside the Green Zone, where the largest embassy in the world is being built, covering 104 acres and closed off from the world outside its walls.

I remember John Hersey's novel The War Lover, in which a macho American pilot, who loves to drop bombs on people, and also to boast about his sexual conquests, turns out to be impotent. George Bush, strutting in his flight jacket on an aircraft carrier, and announcing victory in Iraq, has turned out to be an embodiment of the Hersey character, his words equally boastful, his military machine equally impotent.

The Israeli invasion and bombing of Lebanon has not brought security to Israel. Indeed, it has increased the number of its enemies, whether in Hezbollah or Hamas, or among Arabs who belong to neither of those groups.That failure of massive force goes so deep into history that Israeli leaders must have been extraordinarily obtuse, or blindly fanatic, to miss it. The memory is not lost to Professor Ze'ev Maoz at Tel Aviv University, writing recently in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz about a previous Israeli invasion of Lebanon:

"Approximately 14,000 civilians were killed between June and September of 1982, according to a conservative estimate."

The result, aside from the physical and human devastation, was the rise of Hezbollah, whose rockets provoked another desperate exercise of massive force.The history of wars fought since the end of World War II reveals the futility of large-scale violence. The United States and the Soviet Union, despite their enormous firepower, were unable to defeat resistance movements in small, weak nations. Even though the United States dropped more bombs in the Vietnam War than in all of World War II, it was still forced to withdraw.

The Soviet Union, trying for a decade to conquer Afghanistan, in a war that caused a million deaths, became bogged down and also finally withdrew.

Even the supposed triumphs of great military powers turn out to be elusive. After attacking and invading Afghanistan, President Bush boasted that the Taliban were defeated. But five years later, Afghanistan is rife with violence, and the Taliban are active in much of the country. Last May, there were riots in Kabul, after a runaway American military truck killed five Afghans. When U.S. soldiers fired into the crowd, four more people were killed.

After the brief, apparently victorious war against Iraq in 1991, George Bush Sr. declared (in a moment of rare eloquence):

"The specter of Vietnam has been buried forever in the desert sands of the Arabian peninsula."

Those sands are bloody once more.The same George Bush presided over the military attack on Panama in 1989, which killed thousands and destroyed entire neighborhoods, justified by the "war on drugs." Another victory, but in a few years, the drug trade in Panama was thriving as before.

The nations of Eastern Europe, despite Soviet occupation, developed resistance movements that eventually compelled the Soviet military to leave. The United States, which had its way in Latin America for a hundred years, has been unable, despite a long history of military interventions, to control events in Cuba, or Venezuela, or Brazil, or Bolivia.

Overwhelming Israeli military power, while occupying the West Bank and Gaza, has not been able to stop the resistance movement of Palestinians. Israel has not made itself more secure by its continued use of massive force. The United States, despite two successive wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan, is not more secure.More important than the futility of armed force, and ultimately more important, is the fact that war in our time always results in the indiscriminate killing of large numbers of people.

To put it more bluntly, war is terrorism.

That is why a "war on terrorism" is a contradiction in terms.

The repeated excuse for war, and its toll on civilians-and this has been uttered by Pentagon spokespersons as well as by Israeli officials-is that terrorists hide among civilians. Therefore the killing of innocent people (in Iraq, in Lebanon) is "accidental" whereas the deaths caused by terrorists (9/11, Hezbollah rockets) are deliberate.

This is a false distinction.

If a bomb is deliberately dropped on a house or a vehicle on the ground that a "suspected terrorist" is inside (note the frequent use of the word "suspected" as evidence of the uncertainty surrounding targets), it is argued that the resulting deaths of women and children is not intended, therefore "accidental. "

The deaths of innocent people in bombing may not be intentional. Neither are they accidental. The proper description is "inevitable.

"So if an action will inevitably kill innocent people, it is as immoral as a "deliberate" attack on civilians. And when you consider that the number of people dying inevitably in "accidental" events has been far greater than all the deaths of innocent people deliberately caused by terrorists, one must reconsider the morality of war, any war in our time.

It is a supreme irony that the "war on terrorism" has brought a higher death toll among innocent civilians than the hijackings of 9/11, which killed up to 3,000 people. The United States reacted to 9/11 by invading and bombing Afghanistan. In that operation, at least 3,000 civilians were killed, and hundreds of thousands were forced to flee their homes and villages, terrorized by what was supposed to be a war on terror.

Bush's Iraq War, which he keeps linking to the "war on terror," has killed between 40,000 and 140,000 civilians.

More than a million civilians in Vietnam were killed by U.S. bombs, presumably by "accident."

Add up all the terrorist attacks throughout the world in the twentieth century and they do not equal that awful toll.If reacting to terrorist attacks by war is inevitably immoral, then we must look for ways other than war to end terrorism.

And if military retaliation for terrorism is not only immoral but futile, then political leaders, however cold-blooded their calculations, must reconsider their policies. When such practical considerations are joined to a rising popular revulsion against war, perhaps the long era of mass murder may be brought to an end.

Howard Zinn, author of "A People's History of the United States ."

October 28, 2006

What happens when a "democratic country" (that is one that never takes popular votes on issues, just routinely decides who gets to "drink at the trough"), plays along with a country without morals on its southern border AND
has a budget surplus that is aggressively desired by its military and "intelligence" community"?
Well, obviously you get turf wars (RCMP versus CSIS) and many people who vote feeling that they are being taken for a ride - a ride that is destroying their way of life. Here is what happened when 3 -- count 'em - 3 men were exposed to hell on earth due to CSIS trying to appear - ahem - anti-terrorist.
(And take my word on this .... this little story aint' over yet ...
no matter how much Canada's little minority government
would wish it would GO AWAY while they get on with
suspending the Articles of Confederation ...

Intelligence watchdog raps CSIS
over policy on
human rights abuses

Jim Bronskill, Canadian Press
Published: Friday, October 27, 2006

OTTAWA (CP) - The watchdog over CSIS recommends the spy agency make it official policy to consider a country's human rights record and possible security abuses before handing over information.

Though the Security Intelligence Review Committee doesn't name names, it appears the recommendation clearly stems from three high-profile cases of Arab-Canadians, all related to the Maher Arar affair, who were imprisoned and interrogated in Syria about alleged terrorist links.

"SIRC believes that CSIS's policy framework should reflect the challenges of dealing with countries suspected of human rights violations," says the review committee's annual report tabled Thursday in Parliament.

The committee's examination of CSIS's information exchanges with seven foreign agencies for the period January 2002 through December 2004 found the intelligence service had complied with the law and existing policy.

However, it noted some concerns, concluding that:

-Information CSIS provided to a foreign agency could have contributed to the agency's decision to detain a Canadian citizen, who was a CSIS target, upon arrival in that country.

-CSIS received and used information from a foreign agency that "may have been obtained under duress."

-Questions submitted by CSIS to the same agency via a third party may have been used in interrogating a Canadian citizen "in a manner that violated his human rights" - a diplomatic way of saying torture.

CSIS told the committee that in most cases it will not know whether information originated from an abuse of human rights, but, if suspected, the service has to balance that against the need to protect Canadians.

The review committee said while the service must deal with some agencies that engage in questionable practices, it should amend information-sharing policy "to include consideration of the human rights record of the country and possible abuses by its security or intelligence agencies."

CSIS spokeswoman Barbara Campion said Thursday that as a result of an earlier committee review of Arar's case, the service had already taken action on a similar recommendation.

"We'll take another look at our policies and see if they need any more updating or reviewing," she added.

For reasons of national security, the review committee is circumspect about the individuals and agencies it scrutinizes in the course of keeping an eye on CSIS.
However, it is evident the review of foreign exchanges zeroes in on three cases linked to the Arar affair.

It is difficult to pinpoint which or how many of these individuals - Abdullah Almalki of Ottawa, Toronto truck driver Ahmad El Maati and Toronto-area geologist Muayyed Nureddin - the committee's findings directly concern.
However, the report could prompt new questions about CSIS's role in the cases when the spy agency's director, Jim Judd, appears before a Commons committee next Tuesday.
Arar, a Syrian-born Canadian, was detained in New York in September 2002 and soon after deported by U.S. authorities - winding up in a grave-like Damascus cell where he was tortured into giving false confessions.

A commission of inquiry led by Justice Dennis O'Connor found information passed by the RCMP to U.S. authorities very likely led to Arar's ordeal.
O'Connor also concluded CSIS "did not do an adequate reliability assessment" as to whether details Arar gave Syrian Military Intelligence behind bars were the product of torture.

O'Connor recommended the RCMP and CSIS review their policies governing how they supply information to foreign governments, such as Syria, with questionable human rights records.

Arar came under RCMP scrutiny in Ottawa in October 2001 through his contact with Almalki, a prime target of an anti-terrorism investigation dubbed Project A-O Canada.

O'Connor said the cases of Almalki, El Maati and Nureddin, all three of whom were also imprisoned in Damascus, raised troubling questions about the role of Canadian officials.

He recommended the cases be reviewed through an independent and credible process. The government has said it will look into the cases.
© The Canadian Press 2006

Whistleblower update

The Times
October 11, 2006
By Roger Boyes and Tony Halpin

PRESIDENT PUTIN promised yesterday to bring to justice the killer of the investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya, but played down her political significance.
More than 3,000 mourners attended her funeral in Moscow as Mr Putin arrived in Dresden to meet Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor.
The murder overshadowed the summit, handing ammunition to members of the German political establishment who are resisting closer ties between Berlin and Moscow. A few hundred demonstrators chanted “murderer” as he arrived in the city where he had been a KGB officer.
“We must be clear that it was a dreadful and unacceptable crime which cannot be allowed to go unpunished,” Mr Putin said, apparently responding to a demand made by Frau Merkel during their talks, where she was expected to raise human rights issues. But there was no attempt at a tribute, and he added: “She had minimal influence on political life in Russia.”
President Bush had also called Mr Putin on Monday to persuade him to make a public declaration about the murder of Ms Politkovskaya, 48, who was one of the few Russian journalists to criticise the President openly.
In Moscow it took more than an hour for hundreds of mourners at the Troyekurovskoye cemetery to file past Ms Politkovskaya’s open coffin.
A traditional Orthodox white ribbon around her head hid the spot where her killer aimed the last of his four shots in what was apparently a contract killing last Saturday — Mr Putin’s 54th birthday

Anna Politkovskaya: Putin, poison and my struggle for freedom
She has been poisoned by men she suspects worked for Russia's secret service and held in a pit in Chechnya for three days by men she knows for certain worked for the successor of the KGB.
But Anna Politkovskaya, Russia's most famous investigative journalist and the most outspoken member of the country's increasingly enfeebled media establishment, has not buckled under the pressure.
Yesterday her most searing critique of the Russian government to date, a book entitled Putin's Russia, was published in the UK. Its contents are likely to send the Kremlin's spin doctors into paroxysms of anger for she paints her main subject, President Vladimir Putin, in a devastating light.
Deploying her legendary blunt prose to great effect, she savages the man she calls "a KGB snoop," and warns that he is moving the country back to a Soviet-style dictatorship. She also does what Moscow has so far miserably failed to achieve: present a roadmap for peace in Chechnya.
At a time when the Russian media is falling over itself to fawn over Mr Putin and sustain a Soviet-style cult of personality around him, her work provides a lone dissenting voice and a voice that cannot be heard in Russia - at least outside the pages of her liberal newspaperNovaya Gazeta.
Politkovskaya does what few other Russian commentators dare and steps over an invisible line, mocking Mr Putin in an intensely personal way; comparing him to Soviet leader Josef Stalin, to a pathetic literary creation of Nikolay Gogol's and to a bland, over-promoted spy who should never have been elevated to the dizzy Kremlin heights. She paints a relentlessly bleak view of the state of Russia today chastising those in the West whom she says the status quo "suits" and, depressingly, holds out little or no hope for improvement.
In a frank interview with The Independent yesterday she said she was fearful for the future of a country she loved, and hoped against the odds that a viable form of democracy might take hold one day.
"Under President Putin we won't be able to forge democracy in Russia and will only turn back to the past. I am not an optimist in this regard and so my book is pessimistic. I have no hope left in my soul. Only a change of leadership would allow me to have hope but it's a political winter. The Kremlin is turning the country back to its Soviet past."
Admitting that her book is staunchly anti-Putin, she claims that the Russian leader rues the day in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed and is in the process of rebuilding his own version of the USSR which has already started to seriously impinge upon people's basic freedoms.
"My heroes are those people who want to be individuals but are being forced to be cogs again," she said. "In an Empire there are only cogs."
Describing how Mr Putin has been careful to sideline any viable opponents, she argues, however, that Russia's liberals, thrashed at the ballot box and discredited in the eyes of many Russians, are still a force to be reckoned with. "There are many people in Russia who would be strong leaders," she said. "You might think they have their faults but nothing could be worse than Putin."
Aligning herself strongly with the country's liberal forces, she argues that Russia cannot leave Mr Putin at the helm until 2008 and says that fresh elections need to be held before then.
"Because Putin, a product of the country's murkiest intelligence service, has failed to transcend his origins and stop behaving like a lieutenant-colonel in the KGB. He is still busy sorting out his freedom-loving fellow countrymen; he persists in crushing liberty just as he did earlier in his career."
"We no longer want to be slaves, even if that is what best suits the West. We demand our right to be free." Poking fun at Mr Putin, she compares him to the humble Tsarist clerk, Akaky Akakievich, a famous literary creation of Russian author Nikolay Gogol. The wretched Akakievich believed the key to being successful and popular lay with his expensive overcoat. He was concerned only with his own image but when the overcoat was stolen he discovered that his own soul was empty. Politkovskaya told The Independent: "Putin is like Gogol's Akaky Akakievich. He is a small grey person who really wants not to be grey. Putin had a historic chance to be great and not to be grey but he is still grey."
More dangerously she is convinced that Mr Putin has only contempt for ordinary Russians and democracy. "During the presidential pre-election campaign (this year) he behaved exactly like Stalin. He destroyed the democratic opposition, pulled the wool over people's eyes, refused to even debate and constantly lied about Chechnya and about social reforms. They say we have a happy country but we do not. It is a poor country. Putin doesn't respect people and repression will follow just as it did with Stalin."
Elaborating on a personally harrowing experience earlier this year she describes how men she suspects were Russian secret service agents prevented her from getting to Beslan on 1 September where pro-Chechen extremists were holding some 1,200 hostages in a school. Politkovskaya had played a role in negotiations with Chechen rebels in 2002 during an ultimately tragic hostage situation in a Moscow theatre and felt her neutral status could come in handy once again.
On 1 September she phoned her rebel contacts and pleaded with them to allow Aslan Maskhadov, former Chechen president and rebel leader, to journey to Beslan and persuade the hostage-takers to release their captives. Having agreed to fly to Beslan and negotiate a safe passage for Maskhadov she set off for the airport. "My last contact with Maskhadov's people was ten minutes before I got on the plane. I suppose I did more than a journalist normally does. I then got on the plane and drank some tea and then ... nothing."
Politkovskaya had been poisoned, she said: "I don't remember anything else. I don't know but can surmise what happened. 'They' had decided that I needed to 'be dealt with' though not killed. A decision was taken and a middle-ranking (FSB) officer fulfilled it."
The veteran reporter's voice tightened when asked how she felt the authorities handled the Beslan siege in which 344 people, over half of them children, died. "I didn't see what happened because I was unconscious but I believe the presidential administration, which was pulling all the strings, was cowardly.
"One and a half days passed and nobody went to negotiate with the bandits because the presidential administration opposed such a move. It was a tragedy."
Politkovskaya has had some unpleasant tangles with the authorities in the past. In 2000 her life was threatened by a Russian police officer because she had spoken out about an individual being kidnapped; she was forced into hiding.
In February 2001 there was worse to come. Accused of being a spy for Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev, the man who claims he masterminded Beslan, she was held in a pit for three days by the FSB without food or water.
Chechnya and its complex vortex of hatred and violence have fascinated Politkovskaya since 1999 when she first started reporting from the breakaway region. She has been back countless times since documenting in minute detail the terrible suffering of ordinary Chechens and the state of the demoralised, brutalised Russian forces. She said yesterday she took no sides in the conflict and had no truck with the likes of Basayev whatever the Kremlin may or may not think.
"He (Basayev) asked me to come and interview him once but I refused. After Budennovsk (in 1995 when Chechen rebels took 1,600 people hostage in a hospital in southern Russia) I thought there was nothing to talk about. There are no heroes and no angels in Chechnya. The war there has been going on for so long that there are only people who are interested in continuing it ... And then there are the people, stuck in the middle."
After Beslan, Politkovskaya says she wrote a letter to Mr Putin with her ideas for a peaceful settlement of the Chechen problem, urging the Kremlin to turn its back on Ramzan Kadyrov, Chechnya's Moscow-backed deputy prime minister.
Politkovskaya's peace plan involved demilitarisation, international peacekeepers, a crack-down on corruption and the creation of a federal commission to govern the region. "It would be made up of non governmental organisations and civil society groups who have worked in Chechnya through the two wars and who are trusted. Of course I didn't get a response to my letter." Politkovskaya concedes she is afraid, but has no intention of shutting up. "Of course I'm afraid (of speaking out). Everyone is afraid in the current situation. I would be delighted if the Kremlin reacted to my book. It would mean that someone had got through to them but I think there will only be a deafening silence."
The book is not published in Russia.
The return of the Soviet system with the consolidation of Putin's power is obvious.
It has to be said that this has not only been made possible by our own negligence, apathy and weariness after too much revolutionary change. It has happened to choruses of encouragement from the West, primarily from Silvio Berlusconi, who appears to have fallen in love with Putin. He is Putin's main European champion, but Putin also enjoys the support of Blair, Schröder and Chirac, and receives no discouragement from the transatlantic junior Bush.
So nothing stood in the way of our KGB man's return to the Kremlin, neither the West nor any serious opposition within Russia. Throughout the so-called election campaign, from 7 December 2003 until 14 March 2004, Putin openly derided the electorate.
The main token of his contempt was his refusal to debate anything with anyone. He declined to expand on a single point of his own policies in the last four years. His contempt extended not only to representatives of the opposition parties but to the very concept of an opposition. He made no promises about future policy and disdained campaigning of any kind. Instead, as under the Soviet regime, he was shown on television every day, receiving top-ranking officials in his Kremlin office and dispensing his highly competent advice on how to conduct whichever ministry or department they came from.
There was, of course, a certain amount of tittering among members of the public: he was behaving just like Stalin. Putin too was simultaneously "the friend of all children" and "the nation's first pig-farmer", "the best miner", the "comrade of all athletes" and the "leading film-maker"...
Why do I so dislike Putin? Because the years are passing. This summer it will be five since the second Chechen war was instigated. It shows no sign of ending. At that time the babies who were to be declared shaheeds [martyrs] were yet unborn, but all the murders of children since 1999 in bombardments and purges remain unsolved, uninvestigated by the institutions of law and order. The infanticides have never had to stand where they belong, in the dock; Putin, that great "friend of all children", has never demanded that they should. The army continues to rampage in Chechnya as it was allowed to at the beginning of the war, as if its operations were being conducted on a training ground empty of people.
This massacre of the innocents did not raise a storm in Russia. Not one television station broadcast images of the five little Chechens who had been slaughtered. The Minister of Defence did not resign. He is a personal friend of Putin and is even seen as a possible successor in 2008. The head of the air force was not sacked. The commander-in-chief himself made no speech of condolence. Around us, it was business as usual in the rest of the world...
Why do I so dislike Putin? This is precisely why. I dislike him for a matter-of-factness worse than felony, for his cynicism, for his racism, for his lies, for the gas he used in the Nord-Ost siege, for the massacre of the innocents which went on throughout his first term as President.
"Putin's Russia" by Anna Politkovskaya (The Harvill Press, Random House), £8.99, supported by English Pen

Russia, Greece, Bulgaria close to signing oil pipeline agreement

RIA Novosti - Moscow,Russia... 280 kilometers (175 miles) from the Bulgarian Black Sea port of Burgas to Greece's Alexandroupolis, on the Aegean, will allow Russia to export oil through the .*snip*

Hint. Hint. It is time to start paying attention to these stories; the major power alliances are shifting rapidly....

..See all stories on this topic

Lithuania suspects Russian oil grab

By Andrew E. Kramer
The New York Times
Published: October 27, 2006
MOSCOW The Russian government has never been straightforward about its plans to take control of the oil and natural gas business. (DUH! DOH!)

So Lithuanians were suspicious in late July when Moscow said it had shut down the only pipeline supplying them with Russian crude oil and blamed it on the environmental risks of a leak.
In fact, it was not so much their pipeline the Russians were concerned about, according to Lithuanian officials, analysts and company executives. It was what the pipeline was connected to: Lithuania's sole refinery.
And because in this region Moscow often gets what it wants, Lithuania's agreement in June to sell the refinery to a Polish company for more than Russians had offered did not end the story.
The Lithuanian government, oil analysts and the operators of the refinery have said they suspect Moscow had a darker objective - to win the refinery.
"The goal was to force Lithuania to reconsider the sale," said Tomas Janeliunas, deputy director of the Center for Strategic Studies in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. "They wanted a Russian company to buy the refinery, but for cheaper than a market price."
Lithuania's brush with Kremlin oil politics, critics of Russian business practices say, is a case study of what the U.S. vice president, Dick Cheney, called Moscow's use of energy exports as "tools for intimidation and blackmail" with the neighbors it once controlled under the Soviet Union.
That characterization angered Russian officials, who say they are simply being discriminated against in the business world.
"What is all the hysteria about?" Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, asked rhetorically at a meeting with German business executives this month, the Interfax news agency reported.
Russian companies, their accounts padded by high commodity prices, are on a buying spree overseas - a steel mill in Michigan, a pipeline in Germany and a mine in Australia have recently been sold to the Russian companies Severstal, Gazprom and Rusal, respectively.
In Lithuania, the government and Yukos, the Russian energy company that is out of favor with the Kremlin, were trying to sell the Mazeikiu Nafta refinery in a sale organized by Lehman Brothers of New York.
Four companies bid: two from Russia, one from Kazakhstan and the Polish company PKN Orlen, which ultimately won. The Russian companies, Lukoil and TNK-BP, bid less than the others. When asked to match the competing prices, the Russians declined, Nerijus Eidukevicius, chairman of the board of the Mazeikiu refinery, said during an interview in Vilnius.
In June, PKN Orlen won the refinery with a bid of $1.49 billion for Yukos's 53.7 percent stake and $850 million for the 30.6 percent owned by the Lithuanian government.
"They weren't showing interest," Eidukevicius said of the Russian companies. "It was strange."
In fact, analysts and market participants say, the Russian government was pursuing strategies to gain the refinery for a Russian company outside the sale process - and at a discount price.
At the time of the sale, Yukos was heading into a politically tinged bankruptcy proceeding in Russia. Rosneft, the state-controlled oil company whose chairman, Igor Sechin, is a former KGB agent and Putin's chief of staff, had already acquired most of Yukos in a forced auction in 2004, and had its sights on the rest.
To get to the front of the line for Yukos assets, Rosneft signed a confidential agreement with Western creditor banks in December 2005 to assume Yukos's debt if the banks forced that company into liquidation, which happened in March. This made Rosneft a creditor in the bankruptcy filing.
The Russian bankruptcy receiver representing Rosneft's claim, Eduard Rebgun, then sued in New York and in the Netherlands to block the refinery sale, but lost both cases, ending legal attempts to win the refinery outside the auction run by Lehman Brothers.
In what Yukos executives say was a sign of the deep displeasure of the Russian government at these rulings, Russian prosecutors opened criminal fraud investigations against four Yukos executives. The announcement of these investigations came less than an hour after the decision in Amsterdam on Aug. 17.
Meanwhile, Russia suffered a setback of a different nature inside Lithuania, political analysts in that country say.
In the midst of the sale process, a pro-Russian politician in the Lithuanian government whose ministry was responsible for overseeing the refinery sale was ousted in a campaign finance scandal. The minister, Viktor Uspaskich, fled to Moscow and is now wanted by Interpol.
The Russian government invited his successor, Kestutis Dauksys, to a Kremlin meeting on May 23 with Dmitri Medvedev, a Russian deputy prime minister, according to Dauksys. The message, he said, was that the Russians truly wanted the refinery.
"He said the Russian government was interested in who buys Mazeikiu Nafta," Dauksys said. "He said Russian companies are interested in buying it."
"They thought they could buy it at low cost, but that is not possible today," he added.
Alexander Temerko, a former vice president of Yukos, said the company interpreted Dauksys's account of the meeting as a threat to the refinery's Russian-controlled oil supply through the Druzhba pipeline.
The refinery immediately retooled for tanker oil, a decision that proved prescient: The first shipment arrived a week before the pipeline was shut down.
The contract with PKN Orlen has an escape clause that would apply if the market value of the refinery dropped significantly before the sale closed. Lithuanian analysts and politicians said that one motive for Russia to shut down the pipeline was to force PKN Orlen to exercise this escape clause, thus reopening the sale for Russian companies.
Then, on Oct. 13, a fire at the Mazeikiu refinery caused about $75 million in damage and lost profit for 2006, according to the Lithuanian government and the Fitch credit rating agency. The fire is expected to reduce output by 50 percent until early next year. While arson has not been ruled out, Lithuanian media have reported that the likely cause was a petroleum leak. A formal determination is expected in November.
PKN Orlen, in a statement made shortly after the fire, said it would discuss with its lenders whether the sale could go forward.
With his country's largest asset tied up in business negotiations, the Lithuanian president has hinted at possible reciprocation in kind. The president, Valdas Adamkus, on Aug. 19, suggested that the only Russian railroad supplying the Kaliningrad region, which passes through Lithuania, could be shut for what the Lithuanian media called "political repairs."
"We should guarantee the safety of trains and passengers," he said, according to the Baltic News Service. "Should repairs be needed in order to increase the safety of railway services, I see no reason to heat up political tensions."


(I am not too sure how accurate THIS little article is, but it's got its good nuggets. If you have an interest as to how GLOBAL WWIV is really going to be, I do suggest you read it)

Please remember that as you read this, this is REUTERS take on what's up ...

Russia softens rhetoric on Shell, keeps tough talk

Source: Reuters

By Tanya Mosolova

MOSCOW, Oct 27 (Reuters) - Russian Resources Minister Yuri Trutnev softened his rhetoric against the Shell-led Sakhalin-2 project on Friday but repeated that the venture could be halted if its environmental record was not up to scratch.

"It is hard to suspend a project with so much investment and so many employees. We would regard that as an extreme measure. We will try not to suspend it," Trutnev told a news conference on his return to Moscow after a trip to Sakhalin, the Pacific island where the $22 billion oil and gas venture is based.

"During the trip I didn't say the project might be halted. But there are loads of things that might force us to take actions that would themselves suspend the project," he said.
"I think the company is doing outrageous things. Unfortunately the picture I got was even worse than I expected."

Trutnev's campaign of environmental inspections on Sakhalin-2 is due to last another month and is likely to yield a rash of alleged violations by the project, which is building the world's biggest liquefied natural gas plant.

He has also contacted prosecutors, since he thinks some breaches of environmental rules may constitute crimes. (I posted some fascinating looks at this some months back.)

"It's not up to the Resources Ministry. But it's obvious that there are some signs of violations of a criminal nature. I have talked about it to the Prosecutor General and he promised to treat it with the utmost seriousness."

The Prosecutor General's office this week vowed to take a tough line on any environmental wrongdoing by oil firms.

However, President Vladimir Putin has so far not commented on Sakhalin-2 and other foreign oil projects which are under fire from officials, such as TNK-BP's Kovykta gas field and the Exxon-led Sakhalin-1 project.


Trutnev said he had not had time to inspect other companies as closely as Sakhalin-2. Asked about Sakhalin-1, he said he had not yet decided whether it would face similar charges.
"We can't inspect two projects of that size at the same time. That's why we haven't yet begun any checks on Sakhalin-1."

Analysts say the pressure on foreign oil firms may be designed to increase Kremlin control in the lucrative sector.

On the way to Sakhalin, Trutnev's plane stopped off in western Siberia, Russia's oil heartland, where he briefly inspected other firms' facilities. But he said they were fairly blameless by comparison. (By what real comparison? It's ALL environmental disaster.)

"During the trip we went with the intention of finding some faults. But we didn't see anything to worry us greatly. In general the situation at the facilities didn't give us reason for concern."
(Remember the catch phrase of this century .. Stay the Course ....)

Another western firm, operating the only production sharing agreement apart from Sakhalin-1 and -2, is France's Total . Trutnev said inspectors had identified some licence violations at its Kharyaga PSA and Total had been given time to resolve the problems. (yeah, like forever ...)

"If it does, we have no other claims against the Kharyaga project," he said.

The loudest rhetoric is that directed at Shell and its partners in Sakhalin-2, Japan's Mitsui & Co. <8031.t> and Mitsubishi Corp. <8058.t>.

They have also infuriated Russia's state-controlled gas monopoly Gazprom by doubling the project's cost estimate, ruining the neat mathematics of a swap deal in which Gazprom would get a 25 percent stake in Sakhalin-2.

Trutnev said he had never discussed the Sakhalin-2 issue with Gazprom, and only heard about its negotiations with Shell through the media.

All right. some of this will read like Chinese to some of you. that is because some of you haven't gotten to grips with the ENTIRETY of the resource wars going on (You're not supposed to ....).

However this is quite an unexpected turn of events UNLESS you are aware that other nations are PLAYERS, too. (God, when will the CIA wake UP!)

And remember, the demand for oil goes up 2 million barrels PER DAY.

China-Rosneft JV worries govt, Deora heads for Russia
Jyoti Mukul Friday, October 27, 2006 22:22 IST

NEW DELHI: India will be freshening up its energy relations with Russia with petroleum minister Murli Deora leaving for Moscow on Sunday morning.

Officially, Deora is taking part in the Moscow Energy Week, though it appears the minister is keen to match Chinese energy diplomacy with Russia.

The latest in the Chinese move has worried government circles here.

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and state-owned Russian company OAO Rosneft have formed a joint venture called Vostok Energy for oil exploration in Russia. Rosneft made a formal announcement last week.

The Chinese company was one of the three “strategic” subscribers to Rosneft’s controversial initial public offering earlier this year. On its part, India has been trying hard to partner Rosneft for oil exploration there for more than two years now.

The only success in oil production business in Russia had been Sakhalin I way back in June 1996. Sakhalin-1 field is expected to pump in 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil by the year-end.

ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL), a 20% shareholder in the field, plans to transport an oil cargo for its sister company Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd next month.

On the sidelines of a MoU signing between Petronet LNG Ltd and the Delhi government on Friday, Deora told reporters that he would be seeking participation of Indian companies in exploration field Sakhalin III.

Deora would meet Russian minister of industry and energy Viktor B Khristenko on the second day of his four-day visit starting October 30. (Hey, guyz, the truth is Putin tuns the whole dang oil and gas scam ... it was how he got ahead in the KGB so pay attention if you can.)

Senior ministry officials told DNA Money that Deora was also likely to meet senior executives of Russian oil companies. Indian Oil Corporation chairman Sarthak Behuria, OVL managing director R S Butola and petroleum secretary M S Srinivasan would accompany the minister.
“IndianOil may look at stitching up long-term crude oil supply from Russia, even though the country’s distance from India has so far made Russian oil expensive for refineries here,” a senior ministry official said.

Unlike China that is linked to Russia and other CIS countries through pipelines, India has found geography coming in the way of its hydrocarbon relations with Russia. Besides crude oil, India is keen on exploring LNG supply from that country. India requires natural gas in piped or liquefied form to meet its power deficit.

Deora quoted the draft 11th Plan Report on Petroleum and Natural Gas, projecting a demand of about 282 million metric standard cubic metre a day (mmscmd) by 2011-12, of which about 44% is expected to be utilised by the power sector.

articles from url:
http://www.mindfull y.org/Reform/ 2006/Earth- Weapon-Moret24fe b06.htm
linton Gave China Chips for Nuclear War
Charles R. Smith, Newsmax.com October 1, 2003

THE JAPANESE AUM SHINRIKYO AND ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS RESEARCH http://www.mindfull y.org/Reform/ 2006/Earth- Weapon-Moret24fe b06.htm

Psychotronic Weapons:
http://www.mindfull y.org/Reform/ 2006/Earth- Weapon-Moret24fe b06.htm

AND, also see:

Military Commissions Act of 2006 (S. 3930) signed into law Oct. 17, 2006http://www.govtrack .us/congress/ billtext. xpd?bill= s109-3930Download PDF version at: http://www.govtrack .us/data/ us/bills. text/109/ s/s3930.pdf
Congressional info on S.3930, at: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:SN3930:

We finally get youtube, an up to date way to say what needs to be said and the EU is already racing around trying to undo progress ... soo preeze. Brussels not ruling the distributio of images? What next?

Europe Moves To Kill The Internet

New EU rules would prevent uploading video without a license

October 17 2006
Proposed EU legislation would prevent users from uploading any form of video, whether that be a hard hitting political documentary film or your friends goofing around with diet coke. A proposed EU directive could extend broadcasting regulations to the internet, hitting popular video-sharing websites such as YouTube., reports the London Times . This would mean that websites and mobile phone services that feature video images would have to conform to standards laid down in Brussels.

And also:

FBI Director Robert Mueller on Tuesday called on Internet service providers to record their customers' online activities
http://news. com.com/FBI+ director+ wants+ISPs+ to+track+ users/2100- 7348_3-6126877. html?tag= nefd.top
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, told Congress last month that: "This is a national problem that requires federal legislation. "

Time for some good old fashioned verbal snipping ..

In the end, the result will be an echo, not a change 10/18/06 (excerpt)
Republicans in 1994 got a chance to prove they could restore some semblance of integrity to the people's government. They blew it, proving themselves even worse than the corrupt Democratic leadership they replaced.

Now Democrats are poised to retake control of Congress and they, like the Republicans 12 years ago, promise to bring honesty and integrity back to government.

They're lying of course.

Both political parties consider truth an expendable commodity in the pursuit of power. Neither party gives a damn about what's best for the country.

GOP Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert is a malleable buffoon who let a corrupt Tom DeLay oversee a cesspool of illegal and unethical practices. He replaced DeLay with John Boehner, another crook who takes bribes and sells his vote to the highest bidder.

Nancy Pelosi will become Speaker if the Dems take over after the November midterms. Her chances of bringing any integrity to the House are hampered by bad applies like Louisiana's William Jefferson, West Virginia's Allan Mollohan, Florida's Corrine Brown and Virginia's Jim Moran.

Over in the Senate, the prospect doesn't look any better. Majority Leader Bill Frist plays fast and loose with ethics rules and is under investigation for insider trading. Minority Leader Harry Reid is a fast-buck artist who uses his office to fatten his bank account and pays personal bills out of campaign funds.

Other Democrats poised to take leadership positions include Iowa's Tom Harkin, who lied about his military record in campaign literature, and Joe Biden, a known plagiarist.

The problem is that both parties are so overrun with crooks, liars, con-artists and scoundrels that any real reform is impossible. Pelosi has skeletons in her closet and will appoint leaders with questionable ethics and backgrounds. Reid is a crook who sees nothing wrong with his unethical behavior so why should we expect any integrity from him or those he appoints? Yeah, I know.

The standard response from partisan political pukes is that the other side is are always worse.

The Republicans, Democratic partisans claim, are more corrupt. Sorry. I don't buy it. You're either honest or not, corrupt or not, crooked or not.

I don't trust courts (too full of psychopaths on all sides), however this is VERY interesting news.
The courts are starting to accept that the war against Iraq is a crime.
In Britain and Ireland, protesters who have deliberately damaged military equipment are walking from the dock
George Monbiot
October 17, 2006
In the early hours, two days before the attack on Iraq began, two men in their 30s, Phil Pritchard and Toby Olditch, cut through the fence surrounding the air base at Fairford in Gloucestershire and made their way towards the B52 bombers which were stationed there. The planes belonged to the US air force.
The trespassers were caught by guards and found to be carrying tools and paint. They confessed that they were seeking to disable the planes, in order to prevent war crimes from being committed. This year they were tried on charges of conspiracy to commit criminal damage, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years.
Last week, after long deliberations, the jury failed to reach a verdict.
The same thing happened a month ago. Two other activists, Margaret Jones and Paul Milling, had entered the same RAF base and smashed up more than 20 of the vehicles used to load bombs on to the B52s. The charges were the same, and again the jury failed to agree.
In both cases the defendants claimed to be putting the state on trial.

MOON ALERT (excerpt)
http://www.waynemad senreport. com/

August 9, 2005 -- Moon's World Unification Church operates in Paraguay under a corporate contrivance called the Victoria Company. Paraguay has also announced that everyone entering and leaving Paraguay will be photographed and fingerprinted. Not coincidentally, the new border control system is being financed by South Korea.


October 21, 2006

Latest Fool.com Headlines

Lilly Pads Its Earnings

By Brian Lawler October 20, 2006

It's been a busy week for large-cap pharmaceutical investors, with almost all of the biggest companies reporting earnings this week. Yesterday, Motley Fool Income Investor pick Eli Lilly (NYSE: LLY) chimed in with its third-quarter results.
Sales were up 7% to $3.9 billion from the third quarter last year, and earnings grew 10% to $874 million and $0.80 a share. Of that sales increase, 71% was due to increased pricing for its drugs, rather than increased sales volume, which is a more sustainable form of revenue growth. (Still, sales growth is sales growth, no matter how it is achieved.) Thanks to the increased pricing, gross margins were up to 77.7%, and net margins expanded to a solid 22.6%.
Lilly's superstar, the schizophrenia drug Zyprexa, had an OK quarter: sales growth of 5% to $1.1 billion, but flat prescription growth. On the other hand, it was a solid quarter for many of Lilly's smaller drugs. Since nearly all of these have blockbuster potential and long-term patent exclusivity, they should drive years of earnings growth as they capture a larger percentage of Lilly's total sales.
Q3 sales* Y-O-Y Growth % of Total Sales Cymbalta $349 91% 9%
Cialis $246 25% 6.4%
Forteo $149 45% 3.9%
Byetta** $62 N/A 1.6%

The most interesting news for Lilly shareholders came on Monday, when Lily announced its intention to acquire ICOS (Nasdaq: ICOS), its partner on male sexual dysfunction drug Cialis, for $2.1 billion. As I mentioned then, Lilly's decision to acquire ICOS was probably due to its outlook for Cialis; the results announced today showed another strong quarter for the drug, with sales up 25% to $246 million.
Other logical acquisitions for Lilly in the future might be Cubist Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: CBST), since it already receives royalties from Cubist's lead product, or Amylin Pharmaceuticals (Nasdaq: AMLN), which shares profits with Lilly for its diabetes drug, Byetta. But at a nearly $6 billion market cap, Amylin might be a little too expensive for Lilly at the moment.
Lilly guided for total 2006 sales to grow at the bottom of its 7%-9% growth range for the year, and for earnings per share to come in at $3.10 to $3.20 a share (an 8% to 11% increase over its 2005 earnings per share, on an adjusted basis). Even though this isn't spectacular earnings growth, Lilly does have a nice 2.8% dividend yield to pacify investors until Cymbalta, Cialis, and Byetta sales reach more meaningful levels. That's something that should be worth waiting for.
For further Foolishness:
Semi-Gilded Lilly: Fool by Numbers
Lilly Doesn't Like Sharing Profits
Lilly Wilts
Fool contributor Brian Lawler does not own shares of any company mentioned in this article. The Fool has a disclosure policy.

October 16, 2006

Another Look At Depression:

An Alternative Perspective

http://www.power2u. org/downloads/ Another%20Look% 20at%20Depressio n.pdf

BY: Debbie L. Whittle

What if depression was viewed not as an illness, but rather, a call; a call from your own soul? Is it possible there is a gift in depression? We are told that depression isan illness; one involving brain chemistry. Is it possible to view depression from another perspective? Is it possible that depression can be viewed as part of a largerlife cycle? Is it possible to see beyond appearances and perceive a higher vision, avision of meaning and purpose?

These are the questions I ponder as I look at my own cycles of life; cycles that includemany periods of transition; periods of visiting places of longing, loneliness, isolation,and despair. There have been many periods in my life when I felt the weight of loss,the imprint of trauma, the torment of failure, and the hopelessness of dreams.Yet, in the midst of it all, I keep asking the questions.

Rainer Maria Rilke says in

Letter to a young Poet:

" Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and. Try tolive the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books thatare written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers,which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to Live everything. Live the questions now.Perhaps you will gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answers
"I have experienced trauma: sexual, emotional, physical, spiritual. I have experienced loss: relationships, jobs, home, possessions, and death of a child. I have accomplished some things I'm very proud of, and I have many regrets. There are many reasons that I've felt worthless, fatigued, hopeless, self critical, full of agony and despair.

These are some of the questions I live when I'm experiencing depression: "Why am I here?" "What is my purpose?" "Why can't I seem to get it right?" "Why can't I figure this out?" "What am I supposed to do?" "Why does this hurt so much?"

As I'm writing these words, I can feel the heaviness and pain in my body. What do you feel as you read the last paragraph? Someone once said to me, "You can never solve a problem on the level of the problem."

You must look at the problem from a different perspective. So to get some distance, come with me as we back away from depression.

Imagine that the movie camera has just backed up and is panning to a wider and higher perspective. Depression is lying down there on a couch, but we're perhaps sitting on a cloud viewing it from a much more detached perspective. What do you notice about depression?

Here is what I notice about depression in my life:. I notice there are a lot of things about life in general, and my life in particular, that are depressing.. I notice that depression really stops me.. I notice that depression seems to be part of a cycle for me.. I notice that as long as I judge and criticize myself and fight this experience, theexperience of depression expands and my pain increases.. I notice that my breathing is tight and shallow, like I'm holding my breath.. I notice I'm really scared.. I notice I'm trying to make myself do something and the words "I can't" keep coming up.. I notice I feel really sad.. I notice I feel really angry.. I notice I feel really alone.. I notice I feel really unacceptable.. I notice I feel like a failure.. I notice that I'm beating myself up because I should know better, and I should be able to just "choose" to be happy..

I notice that as I watch myself, my heart opens and I feel compassion for the pain I'm in.. I notice that as I begin to feel compassion for myself, my being eases up a little.. I notice that as my being eases a little, my breath deepens.. I notice that as I breather in a deeper, slower rhythm, my body begins to relaxand open a little.. I notice that as I tell myself it's ok to be here and it's ok to do nothing, it's ok to just be who I am in this moment, begin to cry.. I notice they are tears of release and acceptance.. I notice there is a small voice inside saying, "Are you sure it's ok to just be likethis. It doesn't feel ok. It hurts. And I feel so frustrated, and I feel so alone.". I notice that I can respond to myself, "Yes, dear one, it is absolutely ok. I know it hurts, and I know you're scared, and I will sit here with you. I will be with you, as long as it takes.".

I notice that I can tell myself all the things I wish someone would say to me.. I notice I can be with myself in a way I've always wanted someone to be.. I notice that I feel loving toward myself even though I feel unlovable.. I notice I feel calmer.

What we have witnessed here is the magic of perspective. We experienced moving to a different level from the problem. When we move to a different level or perspective,we move out of the experience. This gives us the ability to observe the experience rather than be caught in the emotion of the experience. When we become the observer, there is an opportunity to gain clarity and understanding.

With distance, it is also easier to access our own compassion. Whatever ourexperience, our ability to be compassionate with ourselves increases our ability to accept ourselves, wherever we are. I find this to be one of my greatest challenges: to accept myself as a fallible human being living in a world full of misery.We live in a world which conditions us to believe that we're all separate, that we have to find "our place" of belonging and worth, and that life is hard and full of pain. Weare taught what to believe, how to act, and what to think in order to fit in. In order to fit in, we have come to believe that much of what we feel, think, and do is unacceptable and to deny what is original, spontaneous, and natural in us.

So we have an experience of being unacceptable, of being rejected, of not fitting in.What we want more than anything else is a place of belonging. Yet, we feel a supreme sense of unworthiness. We keep getting the message if we try hard enough we will be happy. So we try harder. We try to be acceptable. We try to do it right.We deny what we know, what we feel, what we believe, and what we want. Until we are so confused we have no idea who we are, or what we want. We just know we aremiserable. Such is the cycle of despair. Does any of this sound familiar? Depressing isn't it?

And here in is the crux of depression, and all "mental illness." We are told the "truth"is one thing, and yet, we sense something very different is true. Somewhere deep inside, something is stirring. Something wants out. Something whispers to us at night, telling us there is something we are not seeing, something we are not remembering. We feel a vague something, unnamable, gnawing at us.

We try covering it up with food, activity, work, sex, recreational drugs and alcohol, or pharmaceutical drugs. We think it is pain. And to be sure, there is pain there. But this is something even deeper that will not be denied. This is the call of our very own soul. That call is being denied all around us. And that drives us crazy!

And here is the gift of depression: depression stops us long enough to provide an opportunity to listen.

Consider this: What would happen if instead of fighting depression we accepted the opportunity to stop awhile and listen beneath the pain?

Is it possible that our own soul would begin to talk to us? Is it possible we wouldlearn the truth of our essential being?

Is it possible that the death wish we feel, is about something more than desperately wanting the pain to end? Is it possible that the "job" of depressionis to give us the opportunity to die and be reborn metaphorically?

In all of life there is a birth-death- rebirth cycle. We see that most clearly in the
passage of the seasons through a calendar year. As humans, we are terrified of death because our only sense of rebirth is a vague religious notion of a life in thehereafter ... if we earn it.

What if we began to honor the birth-death- rebirth cycle as it manifests through our many transitions during our lifetime? Depression is an opportunity to honor the death of who we have known ourselves to be. I wonder if this metaphor of birth- death - rebirth were honored, would we still have a strong desire to kill ourselves to relieve our suffering?

When we spend time trying to fit in, trying to do everything right, and trying to be acceptable, we create a false self. We project the image of who we think will be acceptable. And even if it works, we are miserable because we know it's not real.

Our deepest pain is not that which has been done to us, even though most of us have experienced unspeakable trauma. Our deepest pain is the ways in which we deny our truth and leave ourselves. Is it possible that our soul is "dying" for us to wake up to that which is essential in ourselves, to stop pretending that we are less than we are?

Our deepest despair is that no matter how we try, we cannot run from ourselves. Depression is our opportunity to come face to face with ourselves.All the metaphors of transformation: the Phoenix, the snake, the butterfly, all contain a period of darkness or death before the transformation. This period of darkness feels like the end. And therein lies the power.

In order to experience the power of transformation, we must sink totally into the darkness and feel the power of the void.

It is in this void that all life begins. All seeds germinate in the darkness.

Shakti Gwaine says that we all resist the experience of "hitting bottom", whatever that means for us. But as we finally allow ourselves to hit bottom, we fall through a trap door into the light. I find this to be true.

The birth-death- rebirth cycle is never easy. Even though I've experienced it many times, it always feels like I can't do it. Death is never easy. Yet after days, or weeks or months of struggle, I finally surrender. Even though I know better, surrender always feels like giving up. It always feels like failure.

As I let go into acceptance, acceptance of the depression, acceptance of my failures, acceptance of my inability to understand, figure it out, or fix this, something begins to shift. Most of the time I only notice the shift in hindsight. I call this shift magic.

Some call it grace.

Depression is not a static event. It is part of a larger process, a process of life movingthrough us. Given the right support, it can move through us and bring a sense of rebirth. What is calling for your attention in your depression? What new life is germinating in the darkness? What wants to die? What is waiting to be reborn? I encourage you to find the support to use your depression as a process of transformation.

Debbie L. Whittle is a holistic counselor, consultant, writer, and motivational speaker.She conducts workshops and trainings, and private sessions
E-mail: Trueheart19@ netzero.com, Telephone: 413-455-6816

October 15, 2006

No to War With Iran.
Please sign the
petition below

DoJ's AT&T-BellSouth approval
raises ruckus in Washington
By Jeffrey Silva Oct 11, 2006

The Justice Department's unconditional approval of the
$67 billion merger of AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corp. ignited a firestorm
of protest from consumer groups and the Federal Communications
Commission's two Democrats, setting the stage for a showdown at the FCC over
whether to subject the transaction to restrictions on wireless
broadband spectrum, special-access lines and other holdings. clip.. See
petition that follows:
-- -- ---
Tell the FCC No to the Merger Between AT&T and Bell South, without net

Bush-N. Korea 10/10/06

Original: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/1908571.stm

US grants N Korea nuclear funds 3 April, 2002 (BBC News):

The US Government has announced that it
will release $95m to North Korea
as part of an agreement
to replace the Stalinist country's
own nuclear programme,
which the US suspected was being misused.

Under the 1994 Agreed Framework an international consortium is
building two proliferation-proof nuclear reactors and providing
fuel oil for North Korea
while the reactors are being built.
In releasing the funding,
President George W Bush waived the
Framework's requirement that
North Korea allow inspectors to ensure it has not
hidden away any
weapons-grade plutonium from the original reactors.
President Bush argued that
the decision was
"vital to the national security interests
of the United States".
Worth a listen.
Details of the new Military Commissions Act, and all
the damage it does to legal rights in this country.
Part II:
Google Gambles on Web Video Firm,
Pay $1.65 Billion for YouTube
By Sara Kehaulani Goo 10/10/06

Google said yesterday that it will acquire Internet video
phenomenon YouTube for $1.65 billion in stock, a deal that leaves the search
giant betting on the future of online video as well as tackling some of
the risks that come with managing a site built by a homegrown audience.

The deal, which Google called "the next step in the evolution of the
Internet," is reminiscent of the late 1990s, when Web companies judged
their success by the buzz they created more than by immediate profits.
This time, YouTube, an as-yet-unprofitable Silicon Valley start-up with
two founders in their twenties, grew a huge audience at a pace outdone
only by MySpace.com.
-- -- --
Is Google Evil?
News: YouTube fans beware:

Google already knows more
about you than the NSA ever will. And don't assume for a minute it can
keep a secret.
By Adam L. Penenberg October 10, 2006 (excerpt)
Most cookies expire within a few months or years. Google's,
though, don't expire until 2038. Until then, when you use the company's
search engine or visit any of myriad affiliated sites, it will record
what you search for and when, which links you click on, which ads you
access. Google's cookies can't identify you by name, but they log
your computer's IP address; by way of metaphor, Google doesn't have
your driver's license number, but it knows the license plate number of
the car you are driving. And search queries are windows into our souls,
as 658,000 aol users learned when their search profiles were mistakenly
posted on the Internet.

If you are a Gmail user, Google stashes copies of every email you
send and receive. If you use any of its other products:
Google Maps,
Froogle, Google Book Search, Google Earth, Google Scholar, Talk, Images,
Video, and News it will keep track of which directions you seek,
which products you shop for, which phrases you research in a book, which
satellite photos and news stories you view, and on and on.
Served up a la carte,
this is probably no big deal.
Many websites stow snippets of
your data.
The problem is that there's nothing to prevent
Google from
combining all of this information to create detailed dossiers
on its customers, something the company admits
is possible in principle.
Google may even be able to keep track
of users in the real world:
latest move is into free wifi, which will require it to know your
(i.e., which router you are closest to).

Google insists that it uses individual data
only to provide targeted advertising.
But history shows that information seldom remains limited to
the purpose for which it was collected.
Accordingly, some privacy advocates suggest that
Google and other search companies should stop
hoarding user queries altogether:
Internet searches,
argues Lillie Coney of the Electronic Privacy Information Center,
are part of your protected
personal space
just like your physical home.
In February, Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.)
introduced legislation to this effect,
but Republicans
have kept it stalled in committee.
Google, which only recently retained a
lobbying firm in Washington,
is among the tech companies
fighting the measure.
Scientific Poll: 84% Reject Official 9/11 Story 9 excerpt)
According to the new New York Times/CBS News poll,
only 16% of
Americans think the government is telling the truth
about 9/11
and the intelligence prior to the attacks:
Telling the truth 16%
Hiding something 53% ,
Mostly lying 28% ,
Not sure 3%"
The 84% figure mirrors other recent polls on the same issue.
A Canadian Poll put the figure at 85%.
A CNN poll had the figure at 89%.
Over 80% supported the stance of Charlie Sheen
when he went public
with his opinions on 9/11 as an inside job. clip..
How the FBI protected Al Qaeda's 9/11 Hijacking Trainer by Dr. Peter
Dale Scott October 8, 2006
The following concerning Ali Mohamed are all true:
1) a key planner of the 9/11 plot, and trainer in hijacking, was
simultaneously an informant for the FBI.
2) This operative trained the members for all of the chief Islamist
attacks inside the United States, the first WTC bombing, the New York
landmarks plot, and finally 9/11, as well as the attacks against
Americans in Somalia and Kenya.
3) And yet for four years Mohamed was allowed to move in and out of the
country as an unindicted conspirator. Then, unlike his trainees, he was
allowed to plea-bargain. To this day he may still not have been
sentenced for any crime .
Peter Lance has charged that Fitzgerald had evidence before 1998 to
implicate Mohamed in the Kenya Embassy bombing, yet did nothing and let
the bombing happen.
In fact, the FBI was aware back in 1990 that
Mohamed had engaged in terrorist training on Long Island; yet it acted to
protect Mohamed from arrest, even after one of his trainees had moved
beyond training to an actual assassination.
In November 1990, three of Ali Mohamed's trainees conspired
together to kill Meir Kahane, the racist founder of the Jewish Defense
The actual killer, El Sayyid Nosair, was caught by accident almost
immediately; and by luck the police soon found his two co-conspirators,
Mahmoud Abouhalima and Mohammed Salameh, waiting at Nosair's house.
They found much more:
There were formulas for bomb making,
1,440 rounds
of ammunition, and manuals [supplied by Ali Mohamed] from the John F.
Kennedy Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg marked "Top Secret for
Training, (along with classified documents belonging to the U.S. Joint
Chiefs of Staff.)"
The police found maps and drawings of New York City
landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, Times Square. and the World
Trade Center.
The forty-seven boxes of evidence they collected also
included the collected sermons of blind Sheikh Omar,
in which he exhorted his
followers to 'destroy the edifices of capitalism."

The U.S. Government was thus in an excellent position
to arrest, indict, and convict all of the terrorists involved,
including Mohamed.
only hours after the killing,
Joseph Borelli, Chief of NYPD detectives
pronounced Nosair a "lone deranged gunman."He actually told the
press that "There was nothing [at Nosairâ's house] that would stir
your imagination"..
Nothing has transpired that changes our opinion
that he acted alone.
Borelli was not acting alone in this matter.
His position was also that of the FBI, who said they too believed that
Mr. Nosair had acted alone in shooting Rabbi Kahane.
The bottom
line is that we can't connect anyone else to the Kahane shooting," an
F.B.I. agent said.
Nosaira's two Arab co-conspirators
were ultimately convicted in
connection with the first WTC bombing,
along with another Mohamed
trainee, Nidal Ayyad. The 9/11 Report,
summarizing the convictions of Salameh,
Ayyad, Abouhalima, and the blind Sheikh for the WTC bombing
and New
York landmarks plots, calls it this a superb investigative and
prosecutorial effort.
It says nothing about the suppressed evidence found
in Nosair's house, including maps and drawings of New York City
which if pursued should have prevented both plots from
What explains the 9/11 Report's gratuitous and undeserved praise
for the superb effort of Patrick Fitzgerald and the FBI in the New York
landmarks case? How can it be superb to know that terrorists
intend to blow up buildings, to lie to protect them from arrest, to allow
them to bomb the WTC, and only then to arrest and convict them? Lance
now alleges that Kenya was allowed to happen as well, before a few of the
bombers there were convicted with the aid of the arch-plotter. clip..
22 According to publicity for the National Geographic special, Mohamed
is currently in U.S. custody, but his whereabouts and legal
status are closely guarded secrets ( Rocky Mountain News , 8/28/06,
2D). Lance wrote that Mohamed was put into the witness protection
program. David Runke [Ruhnke], a defense attorney in the African embassies
bombing case, says, ``I think the most likely thing that will happen is
he'll be released, he'll be given a new name and a new identity, and he
will pick up a life someplace.'' (Shiflett, Bloomberg News,
8/28/06). As of November 2001, Mohamed had not been sentenced and was still
believed to be supplying information from his prison cell.
23 Ali Mohamed had stayed in [El-Hage's] Kenyan home in the mid
90's as they plotted the bombings. Another agent in Fitzie's squad Dan
Coleman, had searched El-Hage's home a year before the bombings and found
direct links to Ali Mohamed and yet Fitzgerald failed to connect the
dots. (Lance, Triple Cross, Huffington Post, 8/29/06).
24 Peter Lance, 1000 Years for Revenge (New York: Regan Books/ Harper
Collins, 2003), 29-37.
28 Lance , 1000 Years , pg 34. (New York: Regan Books/ HarperCollins,
30 Newsday , 11/8/90; quoted in Lance , 1000 Years , pg 35.
31 New York Times , 11/8/90; Robert I. Friedman, Village Voice ,
32 New York Times , 12/16/90.
33 9/11 Report, pg 72.
34 Fitzgerald is of course the U.S. Attorney who for years has been
investigating the leak of the name of CIA covert operative Valerie Plame.
It could appear that he has been putting pressure on the Bush White
House to forestall disclosure of his own (and possibly the CIA's)
embarrassing and improper relationship to the chief planner of the 9/11 plot.
Where was Warren Buffet on 911? (excerpt)
Mr. Buffett was getting ready to host his "last annual golf
charity event" which just happened to be at the U.S. Strategic Command
headquarters located at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha. Offutt AFB is,
coincidentally, where President G. W. Bush flew to on Air Force One later in
the day for "safety."
Ann Tatlock, the CEO of Fiduciary Trust Co. International, worked
in the World Trade Center, (her offices were right where Flight 175
crashed into the South WTC Tower.) (She attended Buffet's charity event.)
Ann Tatlock is a trustee of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
along with former Secretary of State and current Carlyle Group advisor
James A. Baker III who's law firm, Baker Botts LLP, is defending Saudi
Arabia against the trillion dollar lawsuit filed by the families of 9/11
HHMI also employed Don C. Wiley, one of the dozen distinguished
microbiologists that have mysteriously died within five months of each
other shortly after 9/11. Don Wiley was last seen Nov. 15, when he
attended a banquet at The Peabody hotel in Memphis, Tenn. Newspapers in Boston
raised suspicions that Wiley was the victim of a terrorist-related
kidnapping because of recent anthrax scares. (The coroner doing Wiley's
autopsy, also did the autopsy of Katherine Smith, the DMV official that
died the day prior to her trial in a fiery crash, that had issued
driver's licenses to 5 illegal Saudi's nationals connected to 911. The coroner
doing these same autopsies, had a bomb placed in his office by an
undisclosed source at this time.)
Mr. Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. also has a subsidiary company
called FlightSafety International Inc., a flight training school.
Flight Safety was also selected by Raytheon as its subcontractor providing
the Ground Based Training System for the Joint Primary Aircraft
Training System (JPATS) used by the US Air Force and navy for primary pilot
training. Flight Safety International Inc. is reported to have
trained at least one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, another flight training
school that reportedly trained at least one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers,
has ties with both Flight Safety International Inc. and NetJets along
with a lot of other companies "indirectly involved" with 9/11.
Mr. Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. has large stock holdings in a
company called SunTrust Banks, Inc. and has stock in Coca-Cola.
SunTrust also has stock in Berkshire and Coca-Cola and remember that Mr.
Buffett is one of the directors of Coca-Cola. SunTrust Banks, Inc. is one
of the banks in which most of the alleged 9/11 hijackers reportedly set
up bank accounts with using fake social security numbers, which are
required to open bank accounts. clip..
The following quotes taken from:
Abraham Lincoln on the Bankers: “I have two great enemies, the
Southern army in front of me and the financial institutions in the rear. Of
the two, the one in the rear is the greatest enemy. The Money Power
preys upon the nation in times of peace, and conspires against it in times
of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than
autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies,
all who question its methods or throws light upon its crimes”.
-- -- --
David Rockefeller: To the Bilderberg Conference, June, 1991 thanking
the press for hiding the NWO:
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time
Magazine, and other great publications whose members have attended our
meetings and respected their promises of discretion over forty years. It
would have been impossible for us to develop a plan for the world if we
had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years.
But the work now is much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards
a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual
elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national
auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
-- -- --
Barry Goldwater: U.S. Presidential candidate, From his autobiographical
book "With No Apologies", 1964. “The Trilateral Commission is
intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial
and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of
the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful,
coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of
power — political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical. They
believe the abundant materialism they propose to create will overwhelm
existing differences. As managers and creators of the system they will
rule the future.”
-- -- --
Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, former German Defense Ministry official, &
advisor to NATO Secretary General: "The interests behind the Bush
Administration, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral
Commission — founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski for David Rockefeller — and
the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to
implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not
fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens.”
-- -- --
Dr. Henry Kissinger, To Bilderberg Conference, May, 1992:
“ If Americans were told there was an outside threat, from beyond
(Earth), that threatened our very existence, then the peoples of the
world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil.
Individual rights will be willingly relinquished with the guarantee of their
well-being, granted to them by their world government.”
As a result of attempting to come forward to the Commission on
pre-Iraqi War Intelligence concerning the information she had garnered working
as an asset for the CIA in the Iraqi Embassy, former reporter Susan
Lindauer was arrested as a spy for the Iraqi government. These two
interviews tell a chilling story of what may happen to a person of
intelligence and integrity who dares counter the "official story" concerning the
real impetus behind this war. http://www.arcticbeacon.com/0925061.mp3
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