No to War With Iran.
Please sign the
petition below
DoJ's AT&T-BellSouth approval
raises ruckus in Washington
By Jeffrey Silva Oct 11, 2006
The Justice Department's unconditional approval of the
$67 billion merger of AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corp. ignited a firestorm
of protest from consumer groups and the Federal Communications
Commission's two Democrats, setting the stage for a showdown at the FCC over
whether to subject the transaction to restrictions on wireless
broadband spectrum, special-access lines and other holdings. clip.. See
petition that follows:
-- -- ---
Tell the FCC No to the Merger Between AT&T and Bell South, without net
Bombshell! Bush-N. Korea 10/10/06
will release $95m to North Korea
as part of an agreement
to replace the Stalinist country's
own nuclear programme,
which the US suspected was being misused.
Under the 1994 Agreed Framework an international consortium is
building two proliferation-proof nuclear reactors and providing
fuel oil for North Korea
while the reactors are being built.
In releasing the funding,
President George W Bush waived the
Framework's requirement that
North Korea allow inspectors to ensure it has not
hidden away any
weapons-grade plutonium from the original reactors.
President Bush argued that
the decision was
"vital to the national security interests
of the United States".
Worth a listen.
Pay $1.65 Billion for YouTube
By Sara Kehaulani Goo 10/10/06<1.
Google said yesterday that it will acquire Internet video
phenomenon YouTube for $1.65 billion in stock, a deal that leaves the search
giant betting on the future of online video as well as tackling some of
the risks that come with managing a site built by a homegrown audience.
The deal, which Google called "the next step in the evolution of the
Internet," is reminiscent of the late 1990s, when Web companies judged
their success by the buzz they created more than by immediate profits.
This time, YouTube, an as-yet-unprofitable Silicon Valley start-up with
two founders in their twenties, grew a huge audience at a pace outdone
only by
-- -- --
Is Google Evil? News: YouTube fans beware:
Google already knows more
about you than the NSA ever will. And don't assume for a minute it can
keep a secret.
By Adam L. Penenberg October 10, 2006 (excerpt) cookies expire within a few months or years. Google's,
though, don't expire until 2038. Until then, when you use the company's
search engine or visit any of myriad affiliated sites, it will record
what you search for and when, which links you click on, which ads you
access. Google's cookies can't identify you by name, but they log
your computer's IP address; by way of metaphor, Google doesn't have
your driver's license number, but it knows the license plate number of
the car you are driving. And search queries are windows into our souls,
as 658,000 aol users learned when their search profiles were mistakenly
posted on the Internet.
If you are a Gmail user, Google stashes copies of every email you
send and receive. If you use any of its other products:
Google Maps,
Froogle, Google Book Search, Google Earth, Google Scholar, Talk, Images,
Video, and News it will keep track of which directions you seek,
which products you shop for, which phrases you research in a book, which
satellite photos and news stories you view, and on and on.
Served up a la carte,
this is probably no big deal.
Many websites stow snippets of
your data.
The problem is that there's nothing to prevent
Google from
combining all of this information to create detailed dossiers
on its customers, something the company admits
is possible in principle.
Google may even be able to keep track
of users in the real world:
latest move is into free wifi, which will require it to know your
(i.e., which router you are closest to).
Google insists that it uses individual data
only to provide targeted advertising.
But history shows that information seldom remains limited to
the purpose for which it was collected.
Accordingly, some privacy advocates suggest that
Google and other search companies should stop
hoarding user queries altogether:
Internet searches,
argues Lillie Coney of the Electronic Privacy Information Center,
are part of your protected
personal space
just like your physical home.
In February, Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.)
introduced legislation to this effect,
but Republicans
have kept it stalled in committee.
Google, which only recently retained a
lobbying firm in Washington,
is among the tech companies
only 16% of
Americans think the government is telling the truth
about 9/11
and the intelligence prior to the attacks:
Telling the truth 16%
Hiding something 53% ,
Mostly lying 28% ,
Not sure 3%"
The 84% figure mirrors other recent polls on the same issue.
A Canadian Poll put the figure at 85%.
A CNN poll had the figure at 89%.
Over 80% supported the stance of Charlie Sheen
when he went public
with his opinions on 9/11 as an inside job. clip..
How the FBI protected Al Qaeda's 9/11 Hijacking Trainer by Dr. Peter
Dale Scott October 8, 2006 following concerning Ali Mohamed are all true:
1) a key planner of the 9/11 plot, and trainer in hijacking, was
simultaneously an informant for the FBI.
2) This operative trained the members for all of the chief Islamist
attacks inside the United States, the first WTC bombing, the New York
landmarks plot, and finally 9/11, as well as the attacks against
Americans in Somalia and Kenya.
3) And yet for four years Mohamed was allowed to move in and out of the
country as an unindicted conspirator. Then, unlike his trainees, he was
allowed to plea-bargain. To this day he may still not have been
sentenced for any crime .
Peter Lance has charged that Fitzgerald had evidence before 1998 to
implicate Mohamed in the Kenya Embassy bombing, yet did nothing and let
the bombing happen.
In fact, the FBI was aware back in 1990 that
Mohamed had engaged in terrorist training on Long Island; yet it acted to
protect Mohamed from arrest, even after one of his trainees had moved
beyond training to an actual assassination.
In November 1990, three of Ali Mohamed's trainees conspired
together to kill Meir Kahane, the racist founder of the Jewish Defense
The actual killer, El Sayyid Nosair, was caught by accident almost
immediately; and by luck the police soon found his two co-conspirators,
Mahmoud Abouhalima and Mohammed Salameh, waiting at Nosair's house.
They found much more:
There were formulas for bomb making,
1,440 rounds
of ammunition, and manuals [supplied by Ali Mohamed] from the John F.
Kennedy Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg marked "Top Secret for
Training, (along with classified documents belonging to the U.S. Joint
Chiefs of Staff.)"
The police found maps and drawings of New York City
landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, Times Square. and the World
Trade Center.
The forty-seven boxes of evidence they collected also
included the collected sermons of blind Sheikh Omar,
in which he exhorted his
followers to 'destroy the edifices of capitalism."
The U.S. Government was thus in an excellent position
to arrest, indict, and convict all of the terrorists involved,
including Mohamed.
only hours after the killing,
Joseph Borelli, Chief of NYPD detectives
pronounced Nosair a "lone deranged gunman."He actually told the
press that "There was nothing [at Nosairâ's house] that would stir
your imagination"..
Nothing has transpired that changes our opinion
that he acted alone.
Borelli was not acting alone in this matter.
His position was also that of the FBI, who said they too believed that
Mr. Nosair had acted alone in shooting Rabbi Kahane.
The bottom
line is that we can't connect anyone else to the Kahane shooting," an
F.B.I. agent said.
Nosaira's two Arab co-conspirators
were ultimately convicted in
connection with the first WTC bombing,
along with another Mohamed
trainee, Nidal Ayyad. The 9/11 Report,
summarizing the convictions of Salameh,
Ayyad, Abouhalima, and the blind Sheikh for the WTC bombing
and New
York landmarks plots, calls it this a superb investigative and
prosecutorial effort.
It says nothing about the suppressed evidence found
in Nosair's house, including maps and drawings of New York City
which if pursued should have prevented both plots from
What explains the 9/11 Report's gratuitous and undeserved praise
for the superb effort of Patrick Fitzgerald and the FBI in the New York
landmarks case? How can it be superb to know that terrorists
intend to blow up buildings, to lie to protect them from arrest, to allow
them to bomb the WTC, and only then to arrest and convict them? Lance
now alleges that Kenya was allowed to happen as well, before a few of the
bombers there were convicted with the aid of the arch-plotter. clip..
Sources:22 According to publicity for the National Geographic special, Mohamed
is currently in U.S. custody, but his whereabouts and legal
status are closely guarded secrets ( Rocky Mountain News , 8/28/06,
2D). Lance wrote that Mohamed was put into the witness protection
program. David Runke [Ruhnke], a defense attorney in the African embassies
bombing case, says, ``I think the most likely thing that will happen is
he'll be released, he'll be given a new name and a new identity, and he
will pick up a life someplace.'' (Shiflett, Bloomberg News,
8/28/06). As of November 2001, Mohamed had not been sentenced and was still
believed to be supplying information from his prison cell.
23 Ali Mohamed had stayed in [El-Hage's] Kenyan home in the mid
90's as they plotted the bombings. Another agent in Fitzie's squad Dan
Coleman, had searched El-Hage's home a year before the bombings and found
direct links to Ali Mohamed and yet Fitzgerald failed to connect the
dots. (Lance, Triple Cross, Huffington Post, 8/29/06).
24 Peter Lance, 1000 Years for Revenge (New York: Regan Books/ Harper
Collins, 2003), 29-37.
28 Lance , 1000 Years , pg 34. (New York: Regan Books/ HarperCollins,
30 Newsday , 11/8/90; quoted in Lance , 1000 Years , pg 35.
31 New York Times , 11/8/90; Robert I. Friedman, Village Voice ,
32 New York Times , 12/16/90.
33 9/11 Report, pg 72.
34 Fitzgerald is of course the U.S. Attorney who for years has been
investigating the leak of the name of CIA covert operative Valerie Plame.
It could appear that he has been putting pressure on the Bush White
House to forestall disclosure of his own (and possibly the CIA's)
embarrassing and improper relationship to the chief planner of the 9/11 plot.
Where was Warren Buffet on 911? (excerpt) Buffett was getting ready to host his "last annual golf
charity event" which just happened to be at the U.S. Strategic Command
headquarters located at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha. Offutt AFB is,
coincidentally, where President G. W. Bush flew to on Air Force One later in
the day for "safety."
Ann Tatlock, the CEO of Fiduciary Trust Co. International, worked
in the World Trade Center, (her offices were right where Flight 175
crashed into the South WTC Tower.) (She attended Buffet's charity event.)
Ann Tatlock is a trustee of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
along with former Secretary of State and current Carlyle Group advisor
James A. Baker III who's law firm, Baker Botts LLP, is defending Saudi
Arabia against the trillion dollar lawsuit filed by the families of 9/11
HHMI also employed Don C. Wiley, one of the dozen distinguished
microbiologists that have mysteriously died within five months of each
other shortly after 9/11. Don Wiley was last seen Nov. 15, when he
attended a banquet at The Peabody hotel in Memphis, Tenn. Newspapers in Boston
raised suspicions that Wiley was the victim of a terrorist-related
kidnapping because of recent anthrax scares. (The coroner doing Wiley's
autopsy, also did the autopsy of Katherine Smith, the DMV official that
died the day prior to her trial in a fiery crash, that had issued
driver's licenses to 5 illegal Saudi's nationals connected to 911. The coroner
doing these same autopsies, had a bomb placed in his office by an
undisclosed source at this time.)
Mr. Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. also has a subsidiary company
called FlightSafety International Inc., a flight training school.
Flight Safety was also selected by Raytheon as its subcontractor providing
the Ground Based Training System for the Joint Primary Aircraft
Training System (JPATS) used by the US Air Force and navy for primary pilot
training. Flight Safety International Inc. is reported to have
trained at least one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, another flight training
school that reportedly trained at least one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers,
has ties with both Flight Safety International Inc. and NetJets along
with a lot of other companies "indirectly involved" with 9/11.
Mr. Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc. has large stock holdings in a
company called SunTrust Banks, Inc. and has stock in Coca-Cola.
SunTrust also has stock in Berkshire and Coca-Cola and remember that Mr.
Buffett is one of the directors of Coca-Cola. SunTrust Banks, Inc. is one
of the banks in which most of the alleged 9/11 hijackers reportedly set
up bank accounts with using fake social security numbers, which are
required to open bank accounts. clip..
The following quotes taken from: Lincoln on the Bankers: “I have two great enemies, the
Southern army in front of me and the financial institutions in the rear. Of
the two, the one in the rear is the greatest enemy. The Money Power
preys upon the nation in times of peace, and conspires against it in times
of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than
autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies,
all who question its methods or throws light upon its crimesâ€.
-- -- --
David Rockefeller: To the Bilderberg Conference, June, 1991 thanking
the press for hiding the NWO:
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time
Magazine, and other great publications whose members have attended our
meetings and respected their promises of discretion over forty years. It
would have been impossible for us to develop a plan for the world if we
had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years.
But the work now is much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards
a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual
elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national
auto-determination practiced in past centuries.â€
-- -- --
Barry Goldwater: U.S. Presidential candidate, From his autobiographical
book "With No Apologies", 1964. “The Trilateral Commission is
intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial
and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of
the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful,
coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of
power — political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical. They
believe the abundant materialism they propose to create will overwhelm
existing differences. As managers and creators of the system they will
rule the future.â€
-- -- --
Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, former German Defense Ministry official, &
advisor to NATO Secretary General: "The interests behind the Bush
Administration, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral
Commission — founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski for David Rockefeller — and
the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and are now moving to
implement open world dictatorship within the next five years. They are not
fighting against terrorists. They are fighting against citizens.â€
-- -- --
Dr. Henry Kissinger, To Bilderberg Conference, May, 1992:
“ If Americans were told there was an outside threat, from beyond
(Earth), that threatened our very existence, then the peoples of the
world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil.
Individual rights will be willingly relinquished with the guarantee of their
well-being, granted to them by their world government.â€
As a result of attempting to come forward to the Commission on
pre-Iraqi War Intelligence concerning the information she had garnered working
as an asset for the CIA in the Iraqi Embassy, former reporter Susan
Lindauer was arrested as a spy for the Iraqi government. These two
interviews tell a chilling story of what may happen to a person of
intelligence and integrity who dares counter the "official story" concerning the
real impetus behind this war.<<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>> <<>>
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Earthlings Anonymous to always be there. And for that, I AM Responsible.
You are part of the ONEiverse.
As I love the ONE I love you as I am now able.
Grant us the courage to change what we can, the serenity to accept what
we cannot change- and the wisdom to know the difference.
The Killing Must Stop Save our Mother Earth Consume less and share
more Take some time for an earth walk today
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