October 24, 2005

Coexist in Peace

The "august" (read: establishment) New York Times, having absolutely heard about the "leaks" of 21 federal indictments and the state of the White House "staff", provides only this today: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/10/24/politics/24leak.html?th&emc=th

Instead the editorial focus is on -- untieing the Nations once again.

Today, United Nations Day, one of their editorials is focused on child abuse by UN Peacekeepers. I loathe child abuse (having been a victim). I find war the worst attack on women and children that can be perpetrated. There have been many stories in the Western press about this abuse and the UN being lax at doing somet
hing about it. Not at all nice.

I think today was THE day to run an editorial warning that the US axis of evil is about to run a scam once again, telling its usual lies, to bail out its sorry backside. BLAME SYRIA! (this time)

To pick today as the day to attack the UN in the NYT editorials has to be (not only in poor taste) a very big political slap in the face for all people, including the ones who are are so seriously and sadly spiritually misled these days.

But what can you expect from a newspaper that's complicit with this "adm
inistration" in manufacturing and spreading the lies that create and "justify" war? The NYT shows little compassion for the inhabitants of those countries currently invaded and occupied.

Jack Straw and Condi Rice will be performing their "script" about Syria as a potential threat to world peace as another "evil" empire, one which engages in assassinations. (as if black ops CIA hands were blood free). It might be comical to visualize the insincere and patently self-serving delivery these two will be "performing" But that's not even tempting. Too many more lives are at stake to waste this time. Even politically, the only people who stand to benefit from this pre-planned, unholy invasion of Syria, are Iran and Israel. Keep your eyes on the Israeli government this week and forget the visualizations.

n I lived in New York, it was a regular bar/saloon put-down by journalists, tipsy after work, that nothing good could come out of the UN, as it was built on the site of torn-down slaughterhouse. I drank with them and strongly disagreed, achieving nothing. They forget about the immense lettering on a huge monument right outside the General Assembly "They shall beat their swords into plowshares."

I worked for the Assembly and the Security Council (Conference Services) as a verbatim stenographer during one session. I concluded that with what went on there, they would be better off sitting down ONE day a year, every single person work
ing for the UN, and making lists of suggestions about how to achieve peace rather than to go on day after day with their gruelling, duplious business. I am convinced that the janitors know more about peace than the "diplomats".

The peace of the UN died with Dag Hammerskold's mysterious death. He came from that spiritual place and he, a magnificent man, was killed for it so the elite could get a few more years of really good war profits before Armageddon. Hey, they believe in the prophecies, too; we know that. But they love profits more than the peace of God.

Those of us who LOVEd peace who worked there, who went in with stars in our eyes becuz we thought we could help the cause of World Peace, often shed tears with those eyes as we passed his portrait in the halls. We wept quietly, shyly. We into the Chapel and we prayed that Dag's spirit might return; we prayed alone not as a group. We lost the power we might have had should we have been able to work together as a real team for peace.

Our Peacemakers group, as I've come to dis-cover, has the tools to help end all the US's and other nations' aggression and restore hope to all peoples. It has the means to expose the establishment press for the apologists for war that they are. It is the "peace" of the puzzle that's been missing.

Enough. I've had enough! It's time to fight the peaceful fight!

I believe that participants have been lead directly to the Peacemakers of the Sacred Hoop as Peaceful Warriors and Warrioresses. In that group, we ARE the people of the war for the spirit, whatever religious or spiritual tradition we may have sprung from originally or those we may have "investigated".

Some of us have endured years of "crying in the wilderness" about nuclear, che
mical and scalar weapons; about imperialistic wars, genocide, war profiteering; about the slaughter of innocents and innocence; about the seizure of native lands and culture; about psychic and physical scars left on combatants and victims; about the apathy society engenders-all for the thoroughly rotten purpose of keeping the business of war over commodities and terrain profitable- and now is our time to show the world that there is a Way to stop all of this -- peacefully, legally, democratically and spiritually.

We begin today with prayer: that nations unite regardless of the inhumane agendas afoot in the world today. (See below.)

We can call our Congressmen (or you can! I live in Canada) and say we are fed up and want peace.

We can write letters to our newspapers telling them WE aren't fooled by the Bushwhackers.

We can read some peaceful words to inspire us to carry our consciences to the next person.

We can email or phone a friend about Bob's Divinely-inspired Mendelson "collection" and tell them its peace plan and the peace it brings us to know there is a Way.

We can all thank God we have a peaceful violence-free zone, groups groups.yahoo.com/groups/Peacermakers_of_the_Sacred_Hoop to c
ome to and pour our hearts out about how much we want these "End Times" to be a PEACEFUL force to usher in the arrival of an age of loving our neighbours and loving our loving Creator.

We can thank each other for the time each has given to the others there, in this short time, and for the actual love exchanged. I thank everyone in the group for bearing with me as I "got my bearings".

I thank Robert Leon Mendelson for all the time he has taken to show us a peaceful path through Armageddon. Bush&Co are in their last days and the antiChrist MUST go.
We are all the body of Christ, everyone on earth, and we must stop hurting God with our thoughtless ways.

I have had the weekend to read most of the past postings on the group, Bob's collection and thus, to really understand why the Bushistas need a new home -- jail -- and to think about what I can contribute to that happening. Bush&Co. need to repent, to reconcile their consciences with the laws of a loving God and begin to repay for all the damage they have done to countless people. They make sure we shall never know the true extent of the damage caused by their greed and arrogance.

We need to see the prophecies fulfilled, but peacefully. It CAN be done. We have God's help and God is working through each of us.

And they remembered that God was their strength
- Psalm LXXVIII, v.35

I thank my God and ^i^ that it was my destiny to find my way to peace. So today I will do a little bit to say thank you by going out and doing something for peace. Let it begin with me.


Many Rivers


written 19th July, 1961
by Dag Hammarskjold

translated in Markings

Have mercy

Upon us.
Have mercy
Upon our efforts,

That we
Before Thee,
In love and in faith,

Righteousness and humility,
May follow Thee,
With self-denial, steadfastness and courage,

and meet Thee

In the silence.

Give us

A pure heart

That we may see Thee,
A humble heart
That we may hear Thee,

A heart of love

That we may serve Thee,

A heart of faith

That we may live Thee,

Whom I do not know
But Whose I am.

Whom I do not comprehend

But Who has dedicated me
To my fate.

Thou ----

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